Monday, February 01, 2010

How to create character in online game Aion

Aion Character Creation

Character creation is one of the most important aspect of the game for players, and the opposite for others. Now it is important to know that whether you decide to go with Elyos or Asmodian as your faction, you will still be selecting from the same classes.

Your first step here is to decide which faction you want to play on. This is by far the most important decision because if you want to change groups on that server in the future (because of friends who come over, meet new people, etc.) is the only way to do it is to get a new account or to delete all your existing characters there. Because of this, it is best to choose what you want to play and stay with it. Remember that regardless of your faction, you will still have the same choice when it comes to the classes later in the game. 
Once you've chosen your faction you will be confronted with the choice of Warrior, Priest, Scout, or Mage. This is where you have to decide which class you want to play as, and select the correct class begins to do so.

The different classes represent the following:

Warriors Templar includes classes and Gladiator. Warriors are melee classes who use things like two handed weapons or one handed weapons and shields. These are the "brute force" damage dealers and even tanks. If you choose to be a tank, go with a Warrior. This is also classified as the easiest class to master.

Scouts representing both Assassins and Rangers. This class is elected for players who want to do as much damage as possible, but is not too worried about the lack of real defense. These classes will die quicker than tanks in battle, but clearly much more damage.

Mages representing both Ghost Master and Sorcerer, which is "nukers". These classes deal damage using magic, rather than Melee combat. Both of these are extremely beneficial in any category because they can take down mobs pretty fast. The disadvantage is their low defense, so they are better off in groups than solo.

The priests represent chanter and Cleric. These classes are based on healing allies and buffing them (in order to strengthen the defense, attack, etc.) rather than doing damage to enemies. These are the players who are not totally obsessed with being a damage dealer, but still want to have an important class of groups (both PvE and PvP).

When you choose your class, you can choose between male and female. Regardless of your faction, all of these options will be chosen by you. After this, select the name and all the features you want to give your character.

Once you've done all this you are finished and is finally ready to move into the world of Aion!

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