Tuesday, February 02, 2010


How to check an angry PARTNER

People are generally allowed to be angry, because it is a way to express something disturbing, annoying, frustrating and disappointing. But when a person's anger becomes uncontrollable it becomes a problem for him, his partner and the community. Usually, anger is a feeling that covers a different feeling. 

Possible causes of anger 


Frustration, irritability, anger and temper outbursts are behaviors that most of us experience in our lives, aggressive behavior can be especially disruptive for the family because they can be a source of fear and tension in the household or care facility. When a partner is needed to become sour and angry easily, he / she is creating a bad atmosphere for their family, anger comes with lots of effects in them, where you will not see, but is ready when it's done can determine the rate of personal conduct of a person's anger can achieve, for example. A person who works on the assumption would only imagine one thing that he / she feels is likely, or has done, and will act on it, and depending on what the circumstance or situation can lead to great harm. 

The following cases are examples of expressions of anger, frustration, irritability and temper 

"He bought a cell phone for me, but when he got upset over a trivial thing, he just got the phone and smashed it on the floor and it was ruined completely. 
"When I have trouble understanding what he says he quickly becomes frustrated and sometimes violent. I think he feels that his actions speak louder then words."

"She insists on balancing her own checkbook, although she can no longer perform that task. When I try to help, she gets mad at me."

"When I tried to introduce a new activity, he became irritated and refused to make an effort to attend."

"I asked him to dress for school. He said no, so I said Come on, you need to get dressed, and he beat me."

"I've always Lefts my ice cream bowl in the family room when I fall asleep on the couch at night. In the morning she usually finds it and is annoyed that I did not take it into the kitchen and rinsed out the bowl. Now she is completely lose it. She screams at me over this little sticky ice bowl. I can not believe it. " 

Possible causes

• This may be due to many reasons, possibly because he feels you are fully dependent on him and have no backup from your family page, this and many other possible cause is that fact, perhaps.

• Feelings of frustration and anger, and the subsequent reactions are usually triggered by real and legitimate events in life, but the brain can not control the intensity of response.

• Frustration and irritability can occur as a result of circumstances, stressing a loss of ability to function physically, cognitively, or emotionally. Underlying causes or triggers this kind of behavior include hunger, pain, inability to communicate, frustration with lack of skills, boredom, difficult interpersonal relationships and, in particular, small changes in routine.

• Usually, anger is a feeling that covers a different feeling. Typically, when the individual experiences anger, the underlying feeling is disappointment, grief, hurt, frustration or fear of something that was done before.

• Frustration, irritability, anger and temper outbursts are expressed in response to a genuine feeling, but with HD they become exaggerated because of loss of control of the caudate. 

Possible steps to handle an angry PARTNER

Try to identify conditions that trigger temper out-bursts and then avoid them. 
Confrontations and ultimatums should be avoided 
Try to talk to the person when you are both alone 
There are medicines that can control the irritability. It is important to see a physician who has current knowledge of Huntington's disease 
Sometimes silence is the quick answer to calming an angry person 
Try to understand the person's total behavior, what the person likes, which makes them happy, always put this in mind, he / she is aware of your kindness towards them, might not want to show it at the moment but sure has taken note.

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