Thursday, February 11, 2010

Inspiration for Writing Love Poems

Writing love poetry for some comes very naturally, while others have a very hard time deciding what to write about. If you are new to write romantic poems, it can be very difficult to write a poem when it is not something you do every day. The good news is just about anyone can learn to write poems about love without any previous experience. 
If you want to learn to become a better writer, here are some ideas to help you: 

Use your natural voice: Rarely are good poems forced to respond to a particular style or strict rules. A simple exercise that can help anyone become better at writing poems is not to concentrate on style or rhyming, but simply to write the first word that comes to mind. Setting a timer for five minutes and write what happens to come to mind is one way to write everything you think naturally. 

Select your handwriting gently Location: The right environment is crucial for ease when writing and to help get your creativity flowing. The best atmosphere for writing poetry is an environment that is quiet and has many distracting noises or things going on. You want to be sure that when you write, is also pleasant. For example, a hard chair and rigid table be more distracting than a softer seat. Changing your environment can be a simple way to find new inspiration to write. A park or other scenic location, can be more inspiring than sitting in the corner of a room on a desk. 

Pretend to be someone else: a great love poem need not always be written from your point of view. Maybe you can use your imagination and write a sad gangster love poem or write a poem about other different experiences that you have not personally experienced. This can help you to think about things in a different perspective that can help give you the inspiration you need to write your best. 
Using a Formal Poetry: Some people do well with time using formulas or styles to help them write. Whether you decide to try to write a sonnet, using alliteration and onomatopoeia, you will be sure to come up with something new and creative. When you practice writing poems in different styles, you can often find a style that you are the most comfortable and creative with.

Resurrect memories: a memory or a reflection of your past can sometimes help you find the perfect topic for your poem. Do you have a memory or experience that can serve as inspiration for a love poem? Almost all experiences can be the subject of a great love poem, whether it's your first kiss or a painful break up with someone you had been in a long time, you just may be surprised how many things you are thinking of using as a starting point for writing romantic poetry.

Use Other Poetry, for example: Reading such poems written by others can also be a great inspiration to write poetry. Whether you choose to transcribe a particular poetic theme or try to imitate the style of some of the world's greatest poets, reading poetry can sometimes help your creativity starts to flow, and give you ideas for your own love poems, which you can write. 

Share your poems with others: If you never let anyone read your work, you will never know whether you're a good writer or not. Find other poets who meet regularly not only is a great way to get some constructive criticism for your work, but a fun way to get some new friends too. Although you may feel shy and awkward about it at first, sometimes a second pair of eyes can help you build trust in the words you type. 

Practice Writing: The more you practice the better you will be to write love poems. Inspiration can come from many places and at different times, so it's never a bad idea to carry around a note book so you can capture these thoughts while they are still fresh in your mind. A few can make writing a regular habit to help them improve their writing skills. There are many benefits of practicing writing, and the more you write the more likely it is that you will create something you can be proud of.

Anyone can be a love poet, whatever their circumstances or writing experience can be. Do not worry about your poems will be any good or not - the important thing is to find a way to express yourself that you enjoy.

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