Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Learn Cockatiel Training Techniques Like a Pro

Now is the time to learn to make appropriate Cockatiel train your feathered game pet! You'll be glad you were as good as a professional trainer when you set this beautiful and very train 'Tile to live with you and your family. Or maybe you already have a 'rebel bird' on your hands and pull your hair out in exasperation over his screaming, biting and hissing. He is never happy, and you certainly do not! You ask where are all the expected fun to hear him speak, perform cute tricks, and Hop gently on your hand? By now, you're convinced that this is a crazy bird and certainly needs professional help!

Do not worry, it's not too late! Pro Cockatiel training techniques are easy and fun to learn, even for beginners. You can see positive results in your 'Tile literally within a couple of weeks, if you learn some basic training techniques.

Good Cockatiel Training (or not!) Cockatiels are very train, and it is always clear whether they have received good training and care. Cockatiels are wonderful birds can make wonderful pets when once trained and cared for properly. I remember a few years ago when my mother took in a stray, one legged creature that my brother had been randomly hopped in the grass. The attractive Cockatiel had unfortunately lost a leg and may have been left to itself, or perhaps he had flown from his home in an attempt to find freedom.

In any event, it was clear that 'Tile had been treated lovingly and educated conscience. He was not too much worse for wear, although there have been subjected to any time outside. He grew to love my mother, who let him fly to her shoulder and perch, while she was eating spaghetti. She could hand him a long noodle, and he would grab it with his beak, so Munch length of it before it disappeared. His whistling and pleasant talk was also good company for her.

Shortly after his arrival in the family, my father built him a small perch just above the door, where Pete distress measurement of family activities. This' Tile was a good example of a well mannered, sweet bird who just needs a little TLC. Needless to say that he loved at all ... especially my mother.

Cockatiel adequate training is essential

'Tile can be quite unpleasant and confusing, if not trained well. The reverse of this story is the undeniable fact that unhappy, untrained cockatiels may as well make the unruly, obnoxious parrot that can make an owner regret ever bringing beauty home! The truth is that most problems with cockatiels are the result of poor treatment, care and education of their owners.

They are not birds that can withstand the isolation and neglect of their human flock. So if you have already purchased a Cockatiel, or considering it, you must be willing to give Cockatiel training is needed to insure your bird's satisfaction and your future enjoyment of your pet.

"Must Do's" for Cockatiel Training

Cockatiels require interaction with people and plenty of exercise time. Also, you should teach him how to sit on your hand or fingers, do not bite, spit or hiss and how to obey simple commands. These are beginner Cockatiel training requirements.

Fun Rewarding Cockatiel Training

After teaching you’re 'Tile the basic principles of decency and care for his health needs, the fun things can then be added to the delight of all. You can teach your parrot to talk, perform cute tricks and entertain with a wealth of playful antics specific for cockatiels. Be sure to learn how to give proper Cockatiel training so you and your pet will have an enjoyable relationship that will last for years!

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