Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Learn to Keep Geese With these simple tricks

These days, you can find various bits of information about how to raise geese. While there are several resources on this case, to find tips on how to keep geese are a different story. Raising and keeping geese are two different things. The first concerns the breeding of geese, while the other is primarily aimed at preserving what was started.

Fortunately for you, the article you read in this moment is designed to give a few pieces of basic information on how to keep geese. Do not worry. The simple tricks, so you do not have to be an expert farmer or poultry keeper to follow the debate.

Since raising geese require a large amount of space it would help greatly in managing and controlling your herd if you put in some fencing work. Fences, making use of the grill should be at least two meters high. Electric fences are another great option, but this should only be used if you could keep track of your geese activities at all times, lest they run into the fence and get shock. Building a fence around the area where you plan to carry out tips on how to keep geese are needed to keep unwanted visitors away, especially predators such as foxes, a common problem in keeping the geese.

You also need to build a shed for egg laying purposes. Geese are pleased to dig out holes to sleep in, but they certainly need a proper shed, where they could lay their eggs and keep them away from rats and other rodents and vermin. Wooden sheds are great on how to keep geese, because they provide not only shelter but also insulation.

Of course you have to take measures to goose your food if you really want to learn how to keep geese. Based on nearby areas, growing grass is not enough. You need to stock up on food because geese can get quite hungry, especially during the breeding season and winter seasons. Goslings or baby geese should be fed with pellets and starter crumbs in the first two months of their existence. Afterwards, grass and wheat will be introduced. 

You can fatten them up with small pieces of water fowl meat, if you'd like geese at Christmas, your birthday and other special occasions. Remember to give your goose with fresh water, too. Just because the swimmer does not mean that geese are not prone to dehydration.

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