Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Learn how to get started with your Oil Painting Session

Anyone with an artistic bent of mind must be seriously considered using oil painting as a way to paint the most expressive and beautiful artwork and for them the good news is that there are several simple basic steps they can take to achieve mastery over this kind of painting. It actually only requires to master basic oil painting techniques to become an accomplished oil painter. 

A well-ventilated place is must for Oil Painting

First and foremost, to pursue oil painting requires you to find a place that is well ventilated and there are plenty of open spaces, and where air circulates freely, and where there are also no obstacles to move freely. 

Next, you need to adjust the height of your easel so you can easily move your painting surface without bending or even standing on tiptoe to get to the painting surface. Then you should know the proper technique to hold the brush properly any way to keep it right where ferrule end. Also be prepared to spend hours doing your oil painting and so you need to ensure that the height of the easel are properly adjusted so you do not end up overloading your back from bending and stretching. 

Then you should place a drop cloth or plastic bag or even a tarp, where you can stand and in case you are working with a table easel so you have to cover the floor correctly, and also in the tabletop. 

Now you are ready to proceed with your oil painting only after wearing it on your painting clothes. It is time to create your paints, which means having a container holding a single solvent, while a second container can hold the medium which should be at least one part oil and two parts of solvent. 

Ensure that adequate space for your brushes and palette and palette knife as well as solvent and also its container, and some cloths also need to be present, along with your paint tubes. You can buy as many or as few oil paints to make your oil painting does not try to squeeze all the paint off the palette, only two or three colors should be used initially. 

After that, it's time to do the actual oil painting and then when you finish a session, clean your brushes and give your work to dry out, which typically can take forty-eight hours. This is basically what it takes to make your oil paint skillfully. Oh, and do not forget to wipe the grime from your paint brushes with a clean cloth and even whistling in thinner. And finally you can put the lid back on the thinner container until it is needed again for a second collection of oil paintings.

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