Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Lovebird Care - Crucial Rules for Lovebird Care

Lovebirds are a small version of parrots. They are small bundles of energy, needing much of the interaction and stimulation to keep their active minds lose interest. They need lots of care from you.

There are plenty of things to consider in Lovebirds care. Cages, where they will spend nearly all their time, their food, and the likely health problems you may encounter if you can not provide anything they need for continued activity.

In your Lovebirds cages, you must provide perches where they can be nice, and work as their exercise. You should give them a lot of toys to stop them from boredom and stress. The cage like mirrors, bird swings and cages increases. Also keep Cuttlefish bone in your Lovebirds cages at each point as a beak conditioner and good complement to your Lovebirds care list.

Lovebirds need a variety of foods to keep them healthy. You may wish to add to your Lovebirds care list, rules of feeding your Lovebirds. Fresh vegetables and fruit is good for them, just be careful feeding them some variety of beans, which can be toxic, even chocolate and avocados are deadly to them.

Be careful when you let them fly out of their cages and let them interfere with your other pets such as dogs and cats, their saliva is dangerous for your Lovebirds, keep this in your Lovebirds care list. This could be a good list to your Lovebirds care, the prospects for a healthy lovebird: smooth feathers, clear bright eyes, the standard stool, a good appetite, eat during the day, the default activity and a clean vent.

One more thing, you must specify in your Lovebirds care list is that when you take a decision to give your Lovebird a bird vitamins, make sure that it is dangerous for them. Also make sure that there is always water available. Good addition to your Lovebirds care list is that Lovebirds need to be shut out of their cage to use some of their energy by flying. Ensure that all windows and doors are shut. You can attach a bird leash to them, so you can control where they fly.

Also be sure that your cage is kept clean. There are bird cage cleaners available that will help you disinfect the cage. The cracks and fissures in the cage bottom to provide a place for bacteria to thrive. Sometimes, the nails of your Lovebird's get long, so you have to trim them, you can use bird clippers that have been disinfected. Ensure that you have a styptic powder available, just in case you mistakenly trim too close to the veins, and it starts bleeding. Holding the foot up into the light can help you identify where the vein is. 
Lovebirds have a long life, energy-filled small parrot. They need constant handling to remain tame and well behaved. They need a large quantity of bird toys and other bird accessories to keep them from becoming bored. These wise loving birds can be a long time mate of owners who are willing to put in time and effort needed lovebird care.

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