Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Lovebird Care - a few important tips to keep your Lovebird healthy for Years

Lovebird care is not a simple achievement. You must remember the things they require to keep them healthy and in good condition. They deserve to be equipped with proper nutrition, with the most wholesome food, cages, toys, and granted special time to bond with their owner.

They worship the interaction for the socially active creatures. Without social interaction with either a human or another Lovebird, or do not have redirects, can Lovebirds bored and stressed that could lead to a behavior problem. Probably you as Lovebird owner does not want it. This makes an important addition to your Lovebirds care list.

Do not get cheap food for your Lovebirds. This may be your Lovebirds care list, cheap, cheap seed mix or pellets regularly do not have enough nutrients your Lovebirds need to keep them healthy, but they can also be used if and only if you give fresh food to your Lovebirds. Try and give them fresh food at least 3 to 4 times a week.

Lovebirds love fruits except avocados, do not give them to them, for they are deadly - add this to your Lovebird care list. Just make sure you have washed it from insecticides and pesticides used by plant breeders. Another addition in your Lovebirds care list - remove all uneaten fresh foods from your Lovebirds cages, before being destroyed. 
Another addition to your Lovebird care list is that you want to provide a bowl of water for your Lovebirds, they are dependent on water, and they love to wash. This also helps keep their feathers in good shape. You must also take into account the weather, Lovebirds do not expose to freezing (add to your Lovebird care list.) 

Their are plenty of tempting hazards around the corner, you do not know. A number of them, you might want to put in your Lovebird remanded list is blue-green algae, chocolate, dog and cat spit, cleaners and detergents and Teflon. When Teflon is heated and becomes too hot, make smoke, which is deadly to your Lovebirds.

It is also best to have a good veterinarian before any adverse conditions occur. You can try the suggestions because there are veterinarians who see few cases of bird health issues and have little experience in diagnosing and treating them.

One more thing you need to make the list for your Lovebird care is in the cage. Lots of things can be a problem if you do not have the right cage for you Lovebirds and the place to say it. You must keep the cage is of adequate size. Lovebirds like to fly around, so you must confirm it is sufficiently large enough for them to be able to enjoy the flight. Also you must place your Lovebirds cage in a place where there is good daylight. Lovebirds like to get warm under the sun after a shower.

Have this information on Lovebird care, you know now, how's and why is to keep a Lovebird. Good luck.

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