Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Nominees could boost Oscar's

Even if many folks here in town say it was an overall lackluster year for movies, the box office haul belies such a view, and not just because of "Avatar."

A lot of interesting movies beyond this game-changer got made despite studio cutbacks, the shuttering of niche labels, the decimation of the indie ranks and the general wailing and flailing of pundits. As for the main impetus behind the Academy's decision to double the field for best picture -- which will widen the appeal of the Oscarcast itself -- the stars are aligned for there to be a noticeable reversal in the ratings trend line. So many people worldwide went to see American movies this past year that interest in this, the final, most prestigious lap of the season, is bound to have been built.

That the Academy voted to put Oscarcast co-hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin on its official poster says volumes about its newfound commercial impetus and its faith in their joint appeal to pull off a winner.

Producers Bill Mechanic and Adam Shankman (as well as ABC) also can take heart from CBS' success with the Grammys on Sunday. That show was beautifully paced, well-mounted and had first-rate musical performances. The viewers noticed. Word is that the Oscar producers are hard at work to turn this into a show of shows -- less solemn, self-reverential and disconnected, more upbeat, interactive and fun. A dance number is rumored as well, though here they'll have to wow 'em and then get the folks off the stage before ennui sets in.

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