Wednesday, February 03, 2010

OM The Ultimate Power

OM The Ultimate Power

About Symbol:

Aum sign is the most prominent symbol in Hinduism. The Om symbol means divinity and unity of all the works of God. Whether or Aum presents never ending Brahman, where all forms of life exist. In this article we will tell you the importance of symbols, which will help you understand what does this Hindu symbol Om significant.

A represents the creator

U represents the Preserver

M represents the Destructor

Thus the sign Aum denotes trinity of God. It is a symbol of the three main gods of the Hindus, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The three letters symbolize the three worlds, ie heaven, earth and hell. In the Vedas, the word AUM is the sound of the sun, thus representing the sound of light. Almost all pilgrimage sites for Hindus is Om symbol enshrined. Many Hindus wear signs symbols, since it is considered very promising.

Power of Subject:

On the main sound, as all other sounds are produced, even the sound of the mother. There are plenty of the importance of chanting Om, you will come to realize within a few days chanting. It will have a big impact on your everyday life. When you begin to recite Om, you feel his power.

When you take a deep breath and sing if it means a lot calmful effect which will relax your mind and body. It is the first stage of meditation, which aims to draw attention away from all the other tensions that have occupied your mind. The sound of Om is very pleasant to hear. When accompanied by slow deep breathing, it gives a very gentle massage of the chest, back, stomach and head.

On chanting enhances the function of all organs in the body and helps to cure various diseases. It helps to improve your concentration power, which enables you to understand more information. Om chanting is as a guide to spiritual practice. When your mind is away from all worldly thoughts, it is the stage where you get really connected to God Almighty.
It permeates the vitality of the body and tend to feel stronger.

About Meditation:

Chanting Om is the first step in meditation. Everything you need to do is hide in a peaceful place to sit down on the floor, gently close your eyes, take a deep breath and sing about. As you do this, relax your muscles. Not tighten your muscles, otherwise you will not be able to feel the energizing effect of chanting Om. Meditation on Om will revitalize your energy and rejuvenate you completely.

For Aum meditation, it is of utmost importance to retire in a quiet place, otherwise your concentration will have a negative influence. Try not to let your mind wander and think about other worldly things. Repeat several times a day and try to connect it with the feeling of eternity. Not just talk, but also think about its meaning in your heart, and then watch the magic effects.

When you recite Om, just do not do it for their own sake. Instead, make a sincere effort to carry out the purpose of performing it. If it succeeds, there will be a fantastic feeling in your heart. There is no fixed time meditating on Om. You can do as many times as you wish. When your mind is totally unable to concentrate, it is at this point that you are able to realize the power of divinity.

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