Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Unsuitable Match

The ancient India observed a tradition that had continued even in this time. Normally, every girl in India is facing, barring very few exceptions, namely the selection of our soul-mate & partner on the basis of short rendezvous with a boy in front of her friends and relatives. Its not about love matches were not acceptable because very few girls were very lucky to find a soul mate on their own. But I was not categorized among the exceptions. So I had to pass through the process of selecting my soul-mate through the recommendations and suggestions from my dearest friends and relatives. So basically this occurrence belongs to me and a boy named Neerajoy Sahaah from the beautiful state of Goa.

This battle was recommended by my cook for my mother (by recommendation from one of his client) & the rendezvous with the Gujarati Goanese boy was set on a certain day in August 14, 2009. The boy had gone to visit the pilgrimage site and on the way back to Goa, this was Personals & comfortably furnished with mutual understanding form the boy's family in town and my girlfriend's mother. But from the beginning, I was aware that the boy did not complete his formal education because of a very serious love failure. But I was halfway through a highly qualified course is a very distinguished reputation & Institute. Originally I had problems with my mother about the boy's lack of education, but somehow my mother managed to convince me that not everyone needs formal education training for making money, such sets were industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani, Bill Gates and many others to follow. So reluctantly I went to see the boy at his relative home.

This boy would be 38 years, but he looked too young for his age. I could not run him beautiful in the strictest sense, but he had that ordinary boy next door look. An annoying surprise awaited. The boy's sister-in-law had one, I knew when I worked as an apprentice in a well-known state-authorized auditing firm. After introductions, & revelation was over, I half-heartedly began gearing up to face a very disheartening & undesirable situation in my life. The boy's Mami very enthusiastic toward me, and so did my acquaintance. I felt like a doll on the mantle-shelf in a very attractive and a beautiful shop where the goods were dressed to divulge their best and immediately selected by the curious shopper. Without enthusiasm, I made funny faces at my mother, who was subjecting myself to such an embarrassing situation. I stood up to face Ireland in Gujarati Goanese boy alone in a room which had to discover and uncover the basic facts about each other.

Thus, a very common set of general question-answer session began with the boy. The boy's first, which was given to me was about my work. I did not want to give him a direct answer and instead asked him if my friends had not informed him of my life. When the boy was from Goa, I asked what prompted him to settle in Goa. He response was that "Goa is a beautiful state without pollution and very sparsely populated, where the main economy was tourism & mining. During his teens, he had a friend Goanese, as a property in Goa & visited each year to celebrate New Year. As the conversation progressed further, I discovered a few things about the boy who was found to be absolutely disgusting. I waited for him to be a little honest & forthcoming when we were probably end up being together. But this boy expected a very misleading picture of the initial phases of our rendezvous. causes are still unknown for me. I realized our interests are varied & talks almost centered on his precious friends. He asked me about my work because I loved my work so passionately explained in Details prestigious position, I enjoyed the company. He gave a very brief idea about his business and since I am the daughter of a businessman, I became interested in his business. He was about to make bottle caps for pharmaceuticals & spirits producing companies. He owned a sole proprietorship company with the name 'YONINI CAPS' He further explained how the name of his company was inspired. The first two letters were taken from his father's name, the next two from his mother's name and the last two letters belonged to his own name. I thought, what an over-imaginative name! The whole conversation was in English and I could feel that he was not very pleasant in conversation in that language. Just as we were discussing with the food, a very amusing anecdote occurred. I told him about my addiction for 10 flavored tea, where either the mint, lemon grass and ginger to be added to improve its taste. He told me he had a lemon grass plantation in Bombay, where I found a little odd. Since Bombay is considered to be a very expensive city in terms of where land was concerned, a lemon grass planting in the city of Bombay was not considered to be profitable. So I cross-examined him to get to the nub. So I asked my question about the orchard, the response I got was very hilarious. What the boy thought was that he grew lemon grass in a pot at his Bombay residence & he mistakenly described it as "lemon grass plantation!" He was too preoccupied with religion and he called himself a religious fanatic, although if he does not have a thorough knowledge of any religion. His thinking, imagination & acts very different form me. Another fun questions he asked was "Where is your character? At first I could not figure out what he was trying to ask me. So recognition hit me, he asks me to describe my personality traits & temperament. When in the course of the conversation, I concluded that he would not be here in my forthcoming forthcoming, I decided to depict my best. Above foremost, I contradicted that it was up to him to assess, analyze and figure out my way to guide me, if he seemed so very much interested to know my true "natural." I replied that I have a very positive attitude towards anything that happens to me in my life and a very firm believer in the axiom, "Everything happens for each of the best" a very fun loving, romantic, sensitive and honest person. I deliberately concealed from him about my temper . Not that it depends on him in the future when my decision not to take this poorly matched were taken during the first and the shortest of the conversation. He further added a few things about his personality traits, as I have no desire to be announced. He told me he was a very lazy as a person who often let his mood dictates his movements and had a very short temper. As the conversation shifted to other topics, I expressed my liking more. I told him that long solitary walks was something I enjoyed, which often meant a visit to a temple. My favorite poet was of course William Shakespeare, but could not take into account that I loved to write and had written so many poems. A second disagreement arose, he had plans to diversify its business by adding a completely different product, to his current industry. So, obviously this case was called for diversification of its activities and not to expand its current capacity. But as a complete Gujju who believed that he was always right, wrong corrected me "That it was called expand his business and not spreading," exactly as I had come for. He had to import machinery for the manufacture of potato wafers from China. So my next question was how was the marketability of issues to be deciphered, as there were many other players in the market, producing the same product under such established brand names. As usual, he was very vague in his answers. I concluded that he could not have done its preparatory work properly, before revealing his plans. Finally, I knew he was talking about his friend's marital problems with me, somehow I found it very boring, because I neither knew his friend was either I am inclined to know his friend's personal problems. The problem was very droll and boring. His friend suspected his wife was cheating him, so he decided to act on his friend's advice. His cronies told him to stop his wife's monthly allowance until she stopped cheating him when the divorce was out of question. Then, another chance to be given to the lady in the discussion. I was of the opinion that nobody should have the right to interfere between a husband and wife have personal problems. I found his friend that be defective in resolving the issues on his own because he was the first person who knew and understood his soul-mate as well. Just to justify his habit of smoking, he believed that "smoking is not harmful" is not proved by the field of medical science. This argument surprised me and immediately knew that I was dealing with a very unreasonable man. 
Since there was no reason to continue this conversation anymore, I denounced this fun & entertaining rendezvous with a hope that our future would never be disentangled when we were unsuitably matched suit each other's temperament, wavelength & comfort & compatibility levels.

This led me to decide that the formation of an alliance, which appeared inadequate from the very first rendezvous. The vibrations and the spark that would have tied a relationship, was missing. From that I promised myself that never in my life, I would subject myself to such irrational & malicious behavior by other individuals. I would never be used as a pawn to such manipulative actions of total strangers.

Ever quest to find the right soul mate goes on .... 
When, where and how they question, find my soul-mate or so affectionately called "the better half, 'to live & enrich my life are only accountable at the Times, Destiny & God.

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