Wednesday, February 03, 2010


TEENS can earn their own money

While many parents make their children do not pay rent or utilities, many require that your teenagers bring their pocket money. Especially with the economy, as it is, many parents can no longer care for luxury purchase your teenager in your budget. After keeping up with bills, almost no extra pay for the $ 200 sneakers or ever a film at $ 20. 

The more business ideas make money for a teenager may be easier today than before, because there are many teenagers out there who can even begin time-consuming projects to earn money to finish a race. But even if the target of your child does not go much beyond a little extra money for hamburgers and candy, to get a teenager he began to learn about financial responsibility is a lesson with them throughout life.

There are many ideas that can net a teenager some money. Here we will discuss some of the young is a common ground, and some more creative ideas for a teenager to earn money.

Retail / Foodservice

Many teenagers of working age (15 years and over) is after school or weekend job at the local fast food restaurants and retail shops in the mall. Many of these companies will work with a teenager on the timetable and offer minimum wage.


With many parents have to return to work, there is a greater need for childcare after school. Teens who are too young to work in retail can be found working with neighborhood children.

Handy Person

If you live in a society where neighbors are elderly or single mothers, can a teenager find plenty of work to do. Gardening, painting, snow removal and general repairs can be done by teenagers on a regular or as needed. Go door to door or put "Work Wanted" signs in the local supermarket.

Computer Classes

For teenagers who are sophisticated, they can earn some side money teaching others to use computers and software. There are many adults who are unable to your computer and can be expected to pay for basic skills and Internet software.

Paid Internships

Young people who have an idea of what they want to be "when they grow up" may be able to secure a paid internship in the industry they plan to pursue. This internship not only earn an income but also provide valuable information and experience with young people can take with them after graduating from high school. If you have friends or relatives in the industry choice, ask for references of paid internship opportunities or speak to the school counselor.

Monthly Car Wash

If your child has a group of friends who are interested in earning some money from the weekend, we can organize car washes per month. If the host of each month, the community becomes more aware of youth services and reproducible and can reach new customers every month.

Selling skills

If a teenager is artistically inclined can visit farmers' markets on weekends or elsewhere, and offers charactures or drawings from customers. There are many skills that a teenager may have evolved at a young age, and can easily learn to make money using their skills. This can be your first lesson for a future career freelance profitable.


If your child excels in a particular subject, you can advertise your tutoring services in the community or the whole school. Mentoring often leads to a decent hourly wage, and if the young are able to take classes of work in more than one pupil at a time, can earn an income in Nice.

All teens will have different ideas about how you can earn money and there are many options available to them if they receive support and encouragement from their parents. Teens who learn the lessons of money management now will probably avoid debt problems in the future.

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