Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ways to solve the dog's digging

Often the motivation behind the dog is digging boredom. When it is not boredom, dogs dig as a reaction to a primal urge. Digging can look harmless, but it is not, your dog can be seriously jeopardized, especially if he lets himself out of your garden. Digging is potentially damaging. Your dog can cause significant property damange digging left unchecked. Leave your dog is responsible for your home for a day and he will turn into a terrible mess. 

Read this informative piece on ways to Stop Dog Chasing. 

Understanding the Required First Step. 

Why is he giving in to the urge? Find out the triggers for your dog's behavior so you can correct them. Ordinary dog owners like yourself can do that. Observe your dog for a while, maybe a couple days. Paying enough attention, get ready certain Behavioral patterns. Mind the graves pattern. Watching your dog carefully will allow you to recognize signs of their graves craving. 

 If it is clearly an excavator over again, your dog being hit by boredom. Give your dog some exercise, walk him down neighborhood. Daily walks at least an hour is a good business for the excess energy and make your dog happy. Being working animals , dogs naturally have a good supply of energy. Depleting that extra energy every day is a must. 

 Read this interesting information on how to train a German Shepherd. 

If your dog likes to dig in the garden, there is reason to that. Gardens have lots of interesting scents. Plantings have fertilizer and these scents are very attractive to a dog's olfactory elevated nerves. An variety of fragrant herbs get your dog excited and get him to dig. There is also quite a few different things in garden. Plants for one can certainly raise a dog curiousity. If this is your situation, get a water sprinkler and attach it to the end of a garden hose.

When your dog is Prepping digging in the garden, turn the tap on the syringe him. Be certain dog connects water with sprinkler and not with you. If he sees you began to spray, he will continue to dig when you’re not there. If he connects spraying with the garden, wishing him, he will not dig when the sprinkler system is about. 

If he still digs in spite of this, give him a place to dig in garden. Give your dog a digging process as you give a child a sandbox. Get some bones or treats and bury them in the allotted dig site to encourage your dog to dig there only. Begin by burying bones only halfway through, and let your dog see the second half and let him dig up. Encourage treat this behavior by sounds excited and tell your dog to dig the buried tax up. Next time before he actually dig elsewhere, call him to dig on the spot.

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