Thursday, February 04, 2010

What All Should You Know When You Are Buying Parrots As Your Pets?

Where can I buy a parrot?

You can either buy a parrot from a regular pet store, a specialist breeder or an owner wishing to sell their birds. You should be careful with the latter approach, because the original owner can try to get rid of their parrot, because it displays bad behavior. Thus, it is recommended that you get to know that the parrot first before committing to buy it.

Buy a parrot from a breeder or a pet store better?

The answer to this depends on whether you are a breeder nearby you can walk to without too much hassle. Breeders tend to be a better choice to buy a parrot than from a pet store, even if just for the simple reason that they tend to sell their birds at much lower prices. Also, farmers tend to be far more knowledge about birds and especially the parrot in question. So that they can give you much more specific knowledge about how to best care for your new pet. Also, because they care more about the birds, they are more inclined to help you find the best match for you when buying a parrot.

What should I be looking for in a baby parrot?

The first thing a baby parrot should be both fearless and friendly. Parrots are generally sociable birds, so they should not be afraid of human contact if they are hand-raised. Well raised baby parrots to be doing well with humans, especially children who are actively seeking out contact and interaction. You should definitely not buy a parrot, which is an aggressive biter, especially in the case of larger birds. This is because their beaks can become strong enough to take off a finger if they wish. But it is common for baby parrots to munch on you out of curiosity, but if the parrot bites you until it hurts, it is almost guaranteed not to make a good pet.

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