Thursday, February 04, 2010

Why is your Parrot's diet so important?

Why is your Parrot's diet so important? 

If you want the best health of your parrot you need to understand a lot about his diet. So many people make the mistake of just feeding their beloved pets a diet of seeds. 

Easy in every sense of the word, and often quite cheap. Misinformed parrot owners believe that it is appropriate to keep their companion happy and healthy. This could not be more wrong.

Think of your very easy to obtain, produce seed based diet as a parrot similar to people who eat fast food day in and day out.

We are aware of the many health problems associated with these types of foods should not be different for your parrot.

A little thought and interest in the benefits of a varied diet parrot will do much good for them.

A good beginning is to realize what they eat in the wild. These are foods such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, seed, grasses and insects name a few. It may also be an idea to ask your veterinary practice for advice they might have.

However, there are some advantages to have a supply of a commercially formulated parrot diet, but still try to offer your bird fresh alternatives.

Recent developments in organic pelleted diets have had most parrot owners breathing a sigh of relief. The organic option is a little harder to find, but an overall better option for the basis of your parrots diet.

Organic pellets that are made from grains, seeds, vegetables, fruit and enriched with vitamins and minerals are a good choice for the basis of a parrot diet. Approximately 50-60% of the consumed food is acceptable as pellets.

Fresh vegetables are a good companion for a parrot diet. You should remember, as with all fresh food, that within a few hours, they should be removed from the cage, if not eaten, they will lose their freshness and quality.

The best varieties are those with a dark yellow or green leaf. Try some of the following: broccoli, peppers, green, greens, parsley, carrots, green beans, eggplant, sweet potatoes and cauliflower.

And vegetables, will fresh fruit such as: mango, kiwi, berries, melons, papayas, bananas and oranges make a great alternative to a frog who only parrot diet.

Parrots will love the fresh fruits, especially exotic fruits that would normally feed in their natural habitat. You should not overdo it on fruit, but once or twice a day is satisfactory. 

Other foods you might want to give your pet are cereals, including cooked brown rice, quinoa, oats and barley. Pulses, after being cooked, beans, lentils and peas. Small amounts of lean cooked meat or cooked eggs are also beneficial.

Some parrot owners also feed, edible flowers such as pansies, Nasturtium, hibiscus, marigolds, and dandelions.

One of the best food you can give your parrot is sprouting seeds. They are a fantastic source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

You may have heard about some parrot owners give a vitamin or mineral supplement. However, if you're already providing your bird with a variety of foods should complement not normally be necessary. An exception is a calcium supplement, but always speak with your veterinarian before making such decisions.

Like its important to know what foods to feed your parrot, there are things that you should avoid at all costs. They are as follows: chocolate, avocado, rhubarb, fruit kernels, caffeine, alcohol, apple seeds, processed meat, onions, dairy products and anything that has begun to grow mold!

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