Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Witchcraft and magic

Witchcraft and spells

The roots of the magic comes from the Celts, a people living between 700 BC and 100 AD. Thought to be descendants of Indo-Europeans, the Celts were a brilliant and dynamic people - talented artists, musicians, storytellers, metal workers, expert farmers and tough fighters. They were much feared by their opponents, the Romans, who eventually adopted some of their customs and traditions.

The Celts were a deeply spiritual people who worshiped both a god and goddess. Their religion was pantheistic, meaning they worshiped many aspects of "One Creative Life Source" and honored by the presence of the "Divine Creator" throughout the country. Like many other tribes across the world, they believed in reincarnation. After death, they went to Summerland for rest and renewal while awaiting rebirth.

The month of the Celtic year was named after trees. The Celtic new year began Samhain, meaning "summers end" and was the last harvest in years. This was also their "Festival of the Dead", where they honored their ancestors and deceased loved ones. Many modern Halloween customs from Samhain.

Next on the wheel of the Celtic year was the winter solstice, celebrating the annual rebirth of the sun. Our Christmas customs today is equivalent to this ancient festival. Around the beginning of February came Imbolg, a time when animals began to feed. The spring equinox and Beltaine, sometimes called "May Day" was the fertility festivals. Summer solstice, known as Lughnassa celebrated the glory of the sun and the forces of nature. Lughnassa was Fall Equinox, and Samhain is considered as Celtic harvest festivals.

The "Druids" were the priests of the Celtic religion. They remained in power through the fourth century AD, three centuries after the Celts' defeat at the hands of the Romans. Druids were priests, teachers, judges, astrologers, healers and bards. They were necessary to the political leaders, giving them great power and influence. They were peacemakers, and were able to move from one warring tribe to another unharmed. It took twenty years of intense study to become a Druid.

Translated word Druid means "knowing the oak tree." Trees, particularly oak was held sacred by the Celts. Mistletoe, which grows as a parasite on the oak trees, was a vigorous plant, used in their ceremonies and for healing. Mistletoe was ritually harvested at the summer solstice by cutting it with a golden sickle and caught it with a white cloth, but never let it fall to the ground.

The religious beliefs and practices of the Celts grew into what later became known as paganism, not to be confused with the concept of neo-paganism, which is outside the scope of this writing. The word Pagan comes from the Latin word Paganus, which means "country Dweller." This excrescence was consistent with the Celts' love of the land and their holding things like oak and mistletoe sacred.

Paganistic beliefs and rituals blended with the other Indo-down groups, and for centuries spawned such practices as concocting potions and ointments, casting spells, and perform works of magic. This practice, along with many of the nature-based faiths, as the Celts and other groups were collectively known as witchcraft.

The term witch, which means to "twist or bend," has its origins in the ancient Anglo-Saxon word "Wicca", which is derived from the word "wicce," which means "wisdom". The witch is also related to the German word "Weiher," which means "to consecrate or bless." Some say that the origins of the witch date back thousands of years to the day when the goddess was worshiped and mankind had great reverence for the forces of nature and of women as creators of new life. In "New Age" philosophy, is about the concept of "Gaia" or "Mother Earth", which sees the planet Earth, which is essentially a living being.

Prior to the 14th century, witchcraft came to mean a collection of beliefs and practices, including healing through magic, mixing ointments or concoction, dabbling in the supernatural, guess or predict the future, and engaging in clairvoyance. Groups holding to other faiths and rituals of witchcraft are often labeled as "demon-worship."

After North America was discovered and Europeans began migrating to the new land, sorcery came into practice some of the early, colonial settlers. Since it had previously been labeled as "demon-worship," Witchcraft was banned throughout the North American colonies. In spite of this decree of the powers of the day, in secret, some colonists practiced witchcraft told they would be hanged or burned if caught. It has been said that the rituals performed by the Early American Witches helped protect their settlements from attacks by native Americans.

Magic can affect many outcomes, some good and some bad, depending on the magic and intentions of the practitioner. The more familiar forms of magic are indicated by colors. 
"Black Magic" is done with the intent to harm another creature, either as a means to build the practice of power or as an end in itself. The underlying ideology of black magic is based on the practitioner and his or her pursuit of knowledge and / or physical well-being is more important than other concerns, theological or ethical. "Green Magic" includes the practitioner's attuning to nature and the world around him or her. "White Magic", where practitioners attunes itself to the needs of human society and try to meet those needs. This is a kind of "personal betterment" magic, and would not harm other creatures.

"Gray Magic" is the magic that either green or black or white, and usually replaces the absolute stand of those kingdoms with a code of ethics, which is particular to the general practitioner. It is a kind of magic all its own, and can be used for many different purposes. "People Magic" is an eclectic collection of natural medicine, faith healing, curses and hexes, candle magic, and other working methods that have thrived in rural areas for centuries. There is also the term 'hedge wizard "which refers to a person who attempts to practice magic with little or no formal education.

Forces behind Black Magic:

It works on the following principles:

The magic is based on the natural and supernatural forces that exist with the other four fundamental forces, and these are numbered as the fifth and sixth energy. The scientific basic forces are: 
1. Weak Gravity 
2. Strong Gravity 
3. Electromagnetism 
4. Weak Nuclear Power 
5. Strong Nuclear Power 
6. Natural Command 
7. Supernatural force.

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