Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Frequently Plain Old Water Seems uninteresting and Hard To Drink

In developing countries people are dying because of lack of water and those of us in developed countries are rather spoiled. To stay healthy we should drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses every day, even on plain old water seems boring and hard to drink a lot. So most people prefer to make the water taste pleasant enough to make them want to drink enough to stay healthy. 

To make it easier, a lot of people try to add some flavor to enhance the flavor. People can buy tasteful water in the shop. Of course many people think it is one of the most expensive items in the grocery store. These are a few tips for water that does not involve adding a lot of sugar or costly. 

If you are one of the many who want to stay away from chemicals or additives are artificial as well as caffeine, here are some natural ways to add flavor to your water: 

• A slice of lemon or 
• A small portion of fruit 
• A good cranberry juice concentrate 
• Take a portion of cucumber 
• A mint leaf 

If you approve of artificial sweeteners try adding: 

• A small light cranberry juice 
• Sugar-free mix or Crystal Light 
• Lemonade and / or limeade by adding a little juice 
Club soda, seltzer water or diet tonic water, add these flavors. 
Enjoy the sparkling waters of adding flavors. (A large assortment of calorie free flavors to taste Danish water for good taste is sold to 

You can substitute milk and soda water to drink when you are thirst. Abstain force from drinking water. Too much water in the body can cause cramps during exercise. 

You have the opportunity to buy a filter for your tap. You can also buy fruit variants of these filters to make your tap water favored fruit when desired. 

There is a product called Flavor Splash. Water is made of fruit-flavored by Flavor Splash. Recently a number of slightly flavored waters have entered the market - bottled by numerous companies. Some is exceptional whereas some have mixed flavors that really do not give a good flavor. 

We found one to improve the taste of water. A teaspoon of honey should be mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and enough warm water to be added to melt honey. Stir well and with the addition of enough water to make a gallon. First chill beverage. (Apple cider vinegar is said to be good for your overall health.) 

There are many recipes to add some flavor to your water in many websites. A Google search could probably help you find one or two flavors that will make your water is palatable.

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