Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Traffic to my website-Save Time & Money

Targeted Website Traffic Video 

Posting to forums, if used properly, can be an excellent way to get your name "out there", and ultimately to build a bunch of traffic to your website. Note emphasis on the words "if used properly." 

Good, relevant and useful content is key here. 

Let's cut to the point where you expect to attend a forum and to write a great ad, and then sit back and wait for the massive amount of web traffic to hit your site, so you probably will be disappointed ( Not to mention waiting for a long time to happen). 

You do not spam people with e-mail (hopefully!) And spamming a forum is just as bad (actually posting a huge advertising is spam) and will usually get you banned from this forum and your messages will be deleted, not to mention you will quickly gain a reputation as a forum spammer. 

Although the Internet is a big place, you may be surprised on how fast the word can get around things like this. Do not risk it. 

Not spam is even more important if you are trying to become an expert in your niche area, because chances are the forum you just got ban was a major problem for your niche market, if you had done your research properly. 

So what is the best way to use the forum to get value out of it? 

Firstly, to find relevant forums for your niche market and take the time to read the rules, generally in the forum, and especially the rules as they relate to the forums posts. 

Finding forums use the search engine and look for forums with your keywords. 

such forums for car wholesalers, make your search for forum car wholesalers. 

Some forums will not allow you to write any kind of blatant advertising, others may allow a signature block at the end of the post which may point to a website, with perhaps a brief description of your site, others may not even allow it. Take time to read up on exactly what is and is not allowed for each forum you can sign up with. 

Once you've done it, really consider whether you will be able to add value to the forum by posting. 

Do you have knowledge that can be used to help other posters? Can you actually add decent content, it is not just like "Sounds like you need my affiliate-o-matic program, take it from my website." 

Realize that you should be able to reply to messages without making sales of any kind (but hopefully you have chosen a forum which allowed a signature block in your posts so that the bottom of each of your fabulous pertinent expert, rich in wisdom posts is also a link for people to reach you). 

This signature should NOT be the focus of the post, though, the focus of your posts are actually helping people by solving specific problems or issues that are listed in forum post. 

When they are considering to find out more about Internet traffic, it pays to listen to professionals and do as much research as you can. 

You will be amazed at how quickly you can establish yourself as an expert in the forum, which adds immense believability and credibility to you on the forum, which means people will start coming to you for help! 

The other great bonus is that the forum posts usually get picked up by search engines, so over time your answer will come in search engine results, and low and behold there is a link to your website in them! 

Make sure that your posts are in a forum that is relevant to your niche market. For example, if you have answered questions in a gardening forum, and your signature at the bottom of each of your messages get people to a sports site, you may be disappointed with the results. 

In this case, can assume your website is not sports related, you would have been much better off posting in a sports forum, but hopefully a sports forum that is specific to the exact sports website focusing on. 

Search engines love relevant and you will often find you will actually lose points, and valuable locations if you just concentrate on getting a large number of links, and not out through appropriate forums for your niche market. 

Remember the golden rule on some links, a relevant one way link to your website from another website (including forums) is far, far more valuable if both sites have related content. 

Be sure to look at posting to forums to get an increase in visitors to your site. This is a very easy way to get free traffic to your website.

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