Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Traffic to your site-Secrets Revealed

Blogging can be a great way to get more traffic charge full speed at your site. 

The good news is that creating a blog to your website is surprisingly easy, but there are a few reservations and things you must change to ensure that your blog is set correctly to get maximum exposure in search engines. 

Before we begin to discuss what you should and should not do with Blogs, let us take a step back and define what a blog is. 

A blog can be seen as a simple, online public diary, where you can write entries (posts) in the journal. 

Be public, the posts to be viewed by anyone who happens to surf through your site and hopefully you have lots and lots of people read every post you make, and contribute to your blog by way of adding comments look at the relevant links that you add to your blog, see audio and video, and fingers crossed will link to your blog from their site if they happen to have one. 

What is particularly attractive about blogs is that the whole process of Blogging is very simple to do, mainly because of the high quality Blog software available that you can install on your website. 

Decent Blogging software contains all the features you need management positions at yourself (and others), the categorization of posts (something that is important), and even the process by telling other blogging sites every time you make a new post automatically. 

Automatic to tell other sites about your post is a big plus, since it is known on the Internet, without requiring you to be there to manually "send" your blog for people to figure it out. 

Now in my opinion is one of the most important things to ensure that you do not just use the blog as a sales page (I recommend that you leave the sales of your products and services to your actual sales page on your site). 

Of course you will want to talk about your products and services, and the benefits that visitors are using them, but I think it is important not to get all out sales pitch, which will tend to turn off the visitors who can See your message for the first time. I would also recommend that you talk about non-professional things, information about you, the person, what you like and dislike, things you found interesting on the Internet, etc. 

When they are considering to find out more about driving traffic to your website, it pays to visit the professionals to help you achieve the best and most rapid results. 

When people read these personal positions, they get to know the real you, and form a relationship with a "real person" and not a nameless site, and it can only assist you in future sales with these people. 

A blog also allows (and actually encourage) participation by visitors who may reply to your entries, and it is often a good way to stimulate interesting conversations. Good blogging software will allow you to delete spam replies (where visitors or programs, "write" messages lead people to their website) and to moderate discussions that are inappropriate or off-topic. One of the best Reasons to Use Blogs to help you rank high in search engines. Search engines love Blogs, provided that they contain relevant and quality content. 

To give you an idea of how important search engines see Blogs, Google bought one of the largest Blogging sites out there (blogger.com). To have a focused relevant website interesting and useful content can only help you in your journey to find true love search engine. 

If you've read any of the other articles on this website, you probably understand that we preach relevant useful content. Blogs are no different than other Web-traffic techniques you need to ensure that appropriate, and ensure that your separate your messages into logical categories. 

For example, if you have a site about software development, you can make posts to discuss programming in general, other posts for educational opportunities for software developers, and several posts on a specific computer languages like Java. 

It is very important that you do not just cut all the posts together for a number of reasons. Firstly, people coming to your blog may have a particular interest in some of your posts (education for example), and may find it difficult and frustrating to easily find all the posts you've written about their education, if you not have clearly defined categories (and allowed posts to be searched / sorted by these categories.) 

Similarly, search engines can see your blog as less relevant if you cut all your messages together than any other blog that posts have clearly defined categories. Search engines much prefer the categorization of information and reward websites that categorize correctly with a high search engine rankings. 

The most popular open source blogging package is word press. Check it out online. 

Word Press is a free blogging package (yes nothing to pay!), And is extremely flexible and easy to use without sacrificing anything in the power and flexibility. We use this package, and can fully recommend you do as well. 

Because of its popularity many web hosts have it available for installation on their websites for you with one-click "install.

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