Thursday, April 01, 2010

Beef Jerky made by you

Jerky made at Home

For many years, throughout history people have made Beef Jerky for food and storage and necessity. Many new methods have been developed as freezing chemicals, etc. 

People still love taste and easy Beef Jerky originals are usually made of beef, but has recently been reinforced by the other flavors as camel. 

Because when jerky, all the fat and moisture must be removed, jerky is generally a very good source of protein. Unfortunately many times these great benefits is offset by the chemicals added by some companies. 

For your own health jerky follow these steps 

1. Choose your meat, save your time with lean beef cuts, this is the easiest way to good jerky. 

2. Cutting beef into strips less than 3.2 mm thick (1 / 8 ich) will give you the best results 

3. To make slicing easy partial freeze your meat and slice at this temperature. 

4. Be sure to trim all the fat because it does not freeze, and can turn bad. 

5. While you can use the ingredients of your choice, the traditional is the marinade in vinigar and sea salt in your refrigerator for up to 24 hours. 

6. You can season the meat with the flavor of your choice, you need to experiment because some of these ingredients make Jerky sticky. 

7. The meat must dehydrate this by leaving gaps between the slices. Dehydrators used when you do not keep the spray on the racks. When using ovens set them at 70 C allows them to preheat. Always remember that the goal is dehydration, not cooking. 

8. The next step is to see most times it takes 7 to 13 hours, check your jerky regularly until its consistency is what you're looking for. 

9. To keep your jerky fresh keep it in a Frigg or freezer until needed. 

Eat homemade Beef Jerky in a week's preparation for the best results, but do not forget many of the products made today by Beef Jerky companies are just as good as the homemade stuff.

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