Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kim’s extradition likely to take a few months

IT may take two to three months before Denmark can extradite Purulia arms drop mastermind Kim Davy to India, home ministry sources said on Tuesday and indicated that he would serve his possible sentence in India itself.

As per the Danish law, Kim Davy, alias, Niels Christial Nielsen — who was arrested in Copenhagen on Saturday — can appeal against the Danish government’s decision to extradite him. It may take the Danish courts up to three months to decide the appeal. Once the extradition is upheld by the court, the decks will be cleared for Copenhagen to hand over Davy’s custody to India.

Media reports from Copenhagen claimed that the Danish government had agreed to Davy’s extradition on the condition that he would not get death penalty in the Purulia armsdrop case and would be sent back to Denmark to serve his possible sentence there.

Though India is said to have assured the Danes that death penalty would not be sought for Davy, MHA sources denied having agreed to his sentencing in Denmark. A senior home ministry official claimed that the Danish government had formally conveyed that Davy would be serving any possible sentence in India itself.

Following the arrest of Davy — subject of an Interpol red corner notice — last week, the Danish government had written to India offering to extradite him while at the same time seeking clarifications on the quantum of his likely sentence. 

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