Friday, April 09, 2010

Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing Traffic Info

This article describes pay other sites for the privilege to send people to your website. 

Note that Pay Per Click (PPC) process of paying search engines to build a sponsored link to your website in search engine results is so large topic that it has its own article on this site. 

Now you can feel a certain reluctance to pay for advertising, and like any expenditure, you should ensure that it is relevant and worth what you are trying to achieve. 

It is also important that when you pay for web traffic, you sure know your statistics. 

You must know how many click throughs you get for a particular ad to gauge its effectiveness. 

If your really not tracking those statistics in some meaningful way, you have no way to decide if they paid traffic delivers a return on your investment. In other words, you need to know exactly how many people are visiting your site by clicking the link on the website you paid advertising on. 

This is one area where we see a lot of people fall down, they make the decision to buy some advertising space from another site (or directory) and then do not track the effectiveness of it. How can you measure the effectiveness of an ad if you do not keep stats? (Hint ... You can not!). 

This is decent ad tracking software enters the picture, what you can do is set-up a new tracking link for every paid ad that you set-up so that you can know with certainty the amount of traffic you get for it . Because each paid ad has a separate tracking link you know with certainty how many clicks you approaching the link and this gives you much more power you have some real statistics you can use to measure the effectiveness of each ad, you pay for. 

Before going into detail, lets talk about the type of traffic you can buy, and discuss advantages and disadvantages of different  types paid traffic method. 

Banner Ad's on Competitors Websites 

This may be a good way to exploit the visitors from another sites traffic. Normally you pay a flat fee per month for a banner ad that appears in a whole month on the website. 

Depending on the amount of money you pay, it can be a solid ad, or can be mixed in with a number of other ads and displayed on a trip (such as visitor 1 shown by 1, 2 visitors are shown at 2, etc.). 

Other options might include payment for a fixed number of impressions. For instance, 10,000 views in theory will mean that your ad will show for 10,000 visitors to the website. 

It is very important that you choose your websites to buy ad space at very closely. Of course you want to make sure the site has products or services related to your particular niche, and that site has good number of visitors. 

Normally when you approach the site webmaster can give you some figures on how many visitors they get each day on average, etc. If they can not give you some real life statistics, I suggest you continue using this website. 

Using a variety of tools, it is a relatively simple matter to determine how relevant the page is in search engines. 

Many people claim to be experts in the field of traffic to my website. We suggest you do some careful research yourself first before jumping in.Traffic sites. 

Another way to pay for web traffic is traffic websites. These are sites that you pay some sort of membership fee and they guarantee to send you a number of visitors. Sounds good in theory, and there are many good sites out there. 

Remember that generally you do not want just any traffic, rather you would have qualified targeted traffic.Which you prefer 1,000,000 persons arriving to your home with absolutely no interest in your product? Or a hundred people who have an interest in your particular products? 

I am sure you will provide targeted traffic win out over sheer volume any day. You need to ensure traffic website you can sign up with enabling targeted traffic. 

Also be wary of some of the less serious websites that guarantee traffic to your website, as sometimes they achieve this by using automated computer software. It may seem that you have received traffic (and your web logs to confirm it) but it is all the traffic generated by a computer, which means a man has not visited your site. Result? No sale, and a waste of money. 

Be sure to use reputable companies to ensure you do not get burned. If you see a super duper deals offer a 100,000 visitors for $ 1 it's probably too good to be true! 

General Tips 

Some general tips for any form of paid advertising. 

1st Ensure that your ad is of interest and relevance to the visitors / readers. 

There is no point advertising on a website or paying for an ad in a mailing list where visitors / readers have no interest in your site, most of the time you are wasting your time and visitors / readers. You will also be wasting money you spend on advertising. 

2nd Do your sums to determine what you are trying to achieve - Weigh up the cost of advertising vs. expected click throughs and profit. What is your break point ever, how many sales you need to make breakeven. 

3rd Use a decent tracking software for each ad so you have the information 
fingertips on how many people have joined, etc. 

Check Pro Track Manager, it is a fantastic product that we use myself and recommend. 

You will absolutely love this package has to offer and exactly what it can detect. It can even track when people leave your site from, easy to highlight web pages, you may need to work on some more.

1 comment:

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Nice Blog
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