Friday, May 14, 2010

Benefits of Website Survey

Webmasters have access to free tools like Google, as Analytics, which will provide them with detailed information on the number of visitors, which pages are accessed and how long the visitor has used Access to the website. 

But despite the large amount of information available, what is missing is something to tell the webmaster what the visitor said. Did they dislike about the website? Was the layout easy to understand or confusing? Was the website easy to navigate and did they find the information they wanted? 

A website could be generating sales, but why are some people who visit the site do not buy anything? Was it because they did AOT like what product or service was or was it that they could not AOT find what it was they wanted? 

Online surveys provide webmasters with an accurate way to answer these types of issues. Direct feedback from website visitors directly from the horse, as mouth, no longer needs to guess, just asks each visitor, how they occurred, and if they were unable to find what they were looking for. 

With an online survey webmasters can find out: -

    * How often people visit the site? 
    * How did they find on the website? 
    * Is it for business or pleasure that they are interested in the website? 
    * Were they able to find the information they were looking for? 
    * How easy was it for them to navigate the site? 
    * Would they recommend the site? 

A good website survey will be brief and to the point and gather good intelligence, who once analyzed will help to improve the website. 

An alternative to a more traditional customer survey would be to make one or two questions at strategic points. For example, at the end of the registration process the visitor can be asked whether they considered the procedure quick and easy, and after ordering an item they might be asked whether they considered ordering procedure and payment methods for their taste. To ensure that the questions don, AOT will be annoying to regular visitors to the website can be programmed so that the questions are asked only once per registered user. 

Website surveys take the mystery out of working out what visitors think of a website and using the Online Survey Software they are quick and easy to design and once implemented will really become the webmaster, as assistant.

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