Friday, May 14, 2010

Basics of SEO

If you have worked for several weeks is quite unclear whether the Internet term SEO that you will find many useful in this article. In this article we will examine how to use it properly and what you must do to ensure you do not get punished. 

(Before we dive right in Google Conquest Authority is an online learning product that trains you on SEO in detail, but for now, you can start right here.) 

As mentioned in the above paragraph, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The most confusing issues new online marketers ask is what is a search engine? I know it is very basic, but this is where you start. Once you learn the extreme basics, when you begin to discover more about SEO topic, you will have a complete understanding of what SEO is. 

Search engines are the places you go to when you try to find something on the interent. For example, Google Yahoo, MSN, Ask, etc. These are all search engines. When you try to find an answer on the web, go to a search engine, which was the information you're looking for and voila! The search engine "searches" on the web for you and brings a complete list of all websites that are relevant to your query. 

Now you know what a search engine is and you know what SEO is, let me get into the meat of things and explain how SEO works. 

The number one thing you must do before any optimization, you must determine your desired targeted keywords for your site. To be more specific, to find the words you want your site to rank for the search engines. An example of this would be: 

Let's say you have a website about fixing computers. People searching for information about repairing their computers can search for these phrases: how to repair my computer, what does a blue screen on a computer mean, or where can we get my computer fixed. These keywords will all be considered long tail keywords, and those are what you want to target because they are the search phrases that people searching on search engines. 

Be careful when you have selected your keywords or key phrases, they are real phrases that get searched for, if not, you will not get any traffic to your website. (Another tip is to make sure you choose keywords that do not have lots of other websites aimed at them. You still can not get visitors if there are too many sites compete.) we recommend using a keyword research tool to find some hidden them. You can use Google's free Keyword Tool or Word tracker free tool if money is short. They are fantastic start tools, and they do the job just fine. When you start to make some money, we recommend that you get a paid tool because they are so much more effective and you can really find some good keywords. 

Here you can read more about finding good keywords here. 

Okay, now you know what keywords you want, the next step is to make sure your site is optimized for those keywords. So how do you do it? It's pretty simple really. 

The number one rule is always the title of your page or post with your keywords. This will be known as your title tag. Title tags have a great influence on the search engines when they go to your site, so whatever you title your page that search engines will assume it is a key word and you want to rank for it. It applies to your domain as well. Your page / post title and your website title (domain name) is incredibly important factors in SEO world. 

aAfter you purchased your domain (known as URL) and you've selected your targeted key phrases or words, the next part is to add content to your website, or blog. Your article should be between 400-500 words, at least, and be sure to include your targeted keywords or phrases at least 2-3 times in the content. Be careful not to go overboard with this or you will get punished. Keepin in mind the keyword density is not more than 7% (volume of keywords vs. actual words on page). Staying below 6-7% is much better. If you go over the recommended safety net, search engines may see you as "keyword stuffing". Keyword stuffing using your keywords too many times in one page, and your website will pay for it if you do, we promise. 

The longer side and content, the better chance you have of being able to get all your keywords in and not make it look like you're keyword stuffing. In other words, your posts and pages long to keep, and you can put all your keywords in. Search engines smile long text articles and unique content. 

Do not worry about getting any keyword phrase in your article several times because search engines are smart, and if you have a quality site, Google will rank you for keywords that you never even thought to rank for. Highest goal is to get your key phrase in two to three times, and the other at least one time. 

There ya go! It is SEO in a nutshell. Find out as much information as you can about the topic, as it will really benefit you in the long run. Learning SEO takes some patience, but after a bit you be a pro.

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