Friday, May 14, 2010

The three things about Web Development

WE WANT IT RIGHT NOW and we want IT to do anything in the world.... we just do not want to pay for it. Many people approach web development with three things in mind: we want to be the best darn thing on the planet, and it should do everything we need it to, we want it tomorrow and it should be complimentary. Here's the thing about that: It's like asking a child to build your house tomorrow. Generally ... not a terribly good way to go. 

The other fact about this is that many web development companies will try to sell you that same idea, but extremely few, if any, of them can deliver on this promise. Why they sell this idea then? Because that's what you want and the general situation, your everyday person just does not know subject such a promise. 

Let's talk about web development Trisect:

1) Cost - We want it cheap 

2) Quality - We want to be perfect 

3) Time - We will have it tomorrow 

Sounds great right? We certainly believe it. Let us now go back to the land of reality. Chances are, if it is cheap and quick ... it would be terrible. Why would you pay money for it? The question you should ask yourself: What good is a website if it does not work or look like your five year old built it? Chances are, if you can drive traffic to your site, you'll end up with little-to-no conversions that make your site unusable. 

So what are we looking for then? Odds are you'll need the extra time on your site and get a slightly higher price with a much higher quality. The extra time will help you as you get it done right the first go round. What you are looking for is a site that is easy to understand for the end user, one that effectively sells your brand, and one that looks like you actually care about your customer. By taking this time to go through the design process with your developer and through iterations to get right, you'll end up with exactly what you want. 

To get this, it is best to have experienced web developers who can deliver the high quality and reasonable costs that may get you conversions you're looking for. Website design is an art, and hand over your money to someone who does not know the first thing about design principles are simply throwing your cash away and setting yourself up for some extreme frustration in the end. 

So you're looking for the perfect web designers, consider triangles of price, quality and time, and what each company offers you. Chances are that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Another thing to be concerned with is that if they can not speak to you in a way that you will understand, they probably try to fleece you. Then keep these things in mind that you are looking for professional website designers and always, always, always find out what you get inside!

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