Wednesday, February 03, 2010

All About Islam

History of Islam:

World Islam means "submission to God". Qur'an describes Islam as an Arabic word deen (lifestyle),. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. The literal meaning of Muslim is "one who surrenders" or "done" for God willed it. To understand Islam, the fundamental picture of faith in the Quran must be considered. According to the Koran are those who present a God Muslims. Aisha Y. Musa writes in his article, Jews in the Qur'an: An Introduction, that "Islam is a religion of all prophets from Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. (10:71-72, 84, 2 :128-133; 5 :110-112). "Qur'an also declares that all the prophets who came before Mohammad and their supporters were all


The origin of Islam goes back to the creation of the world. All the prophets who came to this world preaching the same message about believing in one God, and to accept them as His messenger. The prophets had also blessed with a manifestation of divine will or truth. Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad is also a messenger of God. He revealed the truth and life through the Holy Koran.

Before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Arab communities plunged into darkness. Although the Arabs believed in the unity of God, but they also claimed that God has entrusted his duties to the various gods, goddesses and idols. To this end, they had more than 360 idols. They felt the angels as daughters of God. They were ignorant of social values. They were nomadic people who depended on cattle for survival. There was no government or law. All power existed in the kingdom. Society was full of barbarism and brutality. Tribes fought with each other over little things for centuries. A small argument over horses or water can lead to the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.

It was the birth of Prophet Mohammed in 570 AD Makah in the city that brought a revolution to the entire fate of nomadic Arabs. He became famous among the people of the Makah in a very early age due to his loyalty and reliability. He was known as Al-ameen (honest, trustworthy.)

At the age of 40, when Muhammad was meditating on Mt. Hera, he received revelations from God. The angel Gabriel said to him: "iqra" which means "to read". Mohammed replied: "I can not read." Gabriel embraced and released him. Then the first five verses of God was revealed to him who said, "Recite in the name of Your Lord who created! He created man, out of a (clean) cloth of congealed blood. Recite and your Lord is most Bountiful. He, who had learned of the pen, taught man what he did not know. "(96:1-5) 
Mohammad began preaching the message of believing in one God. The people who once called him "credibility" and "honest" and boycotted the plot to kill him. In 622 AD, migrated to the deteriorating living conditions and social isolation because of the Prophet Muhammad to Medina along with his followers. This trip became known as the Hijrah and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Mohammad's message is soaring and the number of supporters increased in Medina. Over the next few years, was a series of battles fought between various strains of the Makah and the Muslims in Medina. In 628 AD Hudaibiyah treaty was signed between the two parties. Armistice was declared for 10 years. The treaty was broken in 629 AD of non-Muslims in Makkans. Mohammad moved against the Makah with 10,000 men, and the battle was won without a single bloodshed. Mohammad died in 632 AD, at the age of 63 in the city of Medina. Mohammad's death brought a great disaster among Muslims. People could not believe that Muhammad had left them forever. Many fans were confused and distraught, and he claimed to still be alive. At the time of Mohammad's funeral, as Abu Bakr, was the most respected of all the supporters have confirmed that the "O people, those of you who worshiped Mohammad, Mohammad has died. And those of you who worshiped God, God lives still.

Abu Bakr was elected the first caliph (leader). Before his death in 634 AD, Umar Ibn ul Khattab was appointed as his successor. During the ten years of his presidency, captured 22 Muslims one hundred thousand miles of territory. Mesopotamia and parts of Persia were taken from the Sassanid Empire (Iranian dynasty), and Egypt, Palestine, Syria, North Africa and Armenia from the Byzantine Empire. He was interested in and committed to his people and established an empire of peace, justice and dignity. Teachings of Islam began to spread through love. The principle of equality between all people regardless of race, color, caste, and Creed won the hearts of the people. Within a few years, has accepted a lot of people the message of Islam. By the tenth century, Islam dominated half the world knew at the time.

Expansion of Islam:

Mohammad Ali writes in his article, "The condition of the Arabs before the advent of the holy prophet and the Transformation He Wrought in them," says that "From such debasing idolatry, the Holy Prophet uplift the whole Arabia in a short span of twenty years .. . it is not the mightiest miracle that the world has ever seen? ... It was the fallen humanity as the Holy Prophet raised to the highest level of moral rectitude. "

Mahatma Gandhi, in his unique style, says: "Someone has said that Europeans in South Africa fears the advent Islam - Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch to Morocco and preached to the world the gospel of brotherhood. Europeans South Africa fears the emergence of Islam . They may demand equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is just colored races then their fears are justified. "

Sarojini Naidu explains his point in the ideals of Islam by saying that "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for the mosque, then call to prayer is sounded and worshipers are gathered, the democracy of Islam is contained five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: "God is great" ... I have been struck again and again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man instinctively a brother. "

Professor Hurgronje writes "it is a fact that no nation in the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done to realize the idea of the League."

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