Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Introduction of Astrology Of Astroyogi

Vedic Astrology has existed since time immemorial. It is not just a blind faith that belivers of astrology is that it is rather a science of planets, stars and their relationship with the Solar System and the Lunar system, popularly known as the sidereal zodiac. In astrology, we believe that even the Sun and the Moon and other eights as planets, and observations are based on geo-centric, given the earth as center of the universe. We also believe starts and observations are based towards the galaxy. Vedic astrology designed to assess the ups and downs in a person's life and gives solution to the bad times. 
Planets in Astrology

1.Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and theft in Roman mythology. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.

2.Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty. The planet is aptly named, since it offers a beautiful sight in the sky, with only the sun and the moon becomes brighter.

3.Earth is the only planet whose English name does not come from Greek / Roman mythology. The name comes from old English and Germanic. There are obviously many other names for our planet in other languages.

4.Mars is the Roman god of war. The planet probably received this name because of its red color.

5.Jupiter was king of the gods in Roman mythology, making the name a good choice for what is by far the largest planet in our solar system.

6.Saturn is the Roman god of agriculture.

7.Uranus is the ancient Greek deity of God, the earliest supreme god.

8.Neptune, was the Roman god of the sea. In view of the beautiful blue color on this planet, is the name that is a good choice!

9.Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld in Roman mythology. Perhaps the planet received this name because it is so far from the Sun that it is in eternal darkness. 

Indian Names of planets. (Greh) 
Budh = Mercury; 
Shukra = Venus; 
Mangal = Mars; 
Brhaspati, Guru = Jupiter; 
Sani = Saturn; 
Prajapathie = Uranus; 
Varun = Neptune; 
Yamdev = Pluto. 

Stars in Astrology with English names and associated planets. 

1 Mesh Aries Mars 

2 Vrishab Taurus Venus 

3 Gemini Mithun Mercury 

4 Karker Cancer Moon 

5 Simha Leo Sun 

6 Kanya Vigro Mercury 

7 Tula Libra Venus 

8 Vrishchik Scorpio Mars 

9 Dhanus Sagittarius Jupiter 

10 Makar Capricorn Saturn 

11 Kumbha Aquarius Saturn 

12 Meena Pisces Jupiter 

Vedic astrology is not generalized prediction, all born in the month, year or on the date in a given year. It is very exclusive, a Vedic horoscope is calculated from the time, date and place of birth. The place is very important while using Vedic astrology because, longitude and latitude are both designed for accurate prediction. Stars' positions are also analyzed, while Vedic Astrology. Foresight, the direction of the planets, the sun time and the sun rises time and many other factors considered in Vedic astrology.

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