Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Karma of a man

Karma and Reincarnation:

Many people have a habit of cribbing their fate for the bad things happening to them. Well, Law Karma site emphasizes that it is your happiness that gives you happiness or suffering, but it is your own karma that determine your fate. The happy moments that we get to see is a result of the good deeds we have done and the suffering we go through, is the resultant of the negative or the unlawful deeds we have done previously. Karma decides whether you will be given liberation or reincarnation. Read on to learn more about the law of karma and reincarnation.

People who indulge in good deeds and implement activities for justice, their souls rest in peace after their death. They have freedom from the cycle of rebirth. A deed is said to be good when it happens for a noble cause in which the person performing the task, has no selfish interest. When the act is done in an honest manner and that all welfare other creatures, the person said to have done a good karma. On the contrary, when if a person engages in activities that are intended or likely to harm others, he said, to carry bad karma, which will ultimately lead to reincarnation and the person will have to face consequences of his past life karma in his next birth also.

When a person dies, it's basically the physical body that becomes destroyed, and no soul. In the next birth, new body but the soul is the same. The person is sent back to Earth in a new form of life, to take the consequences of his past karma and thus compensate for the damage he has caused others. This is God's way of doing justice. People who do good to others is liberating. It happens to those achieved consciousness and an awareness of self. When a person becomes aware of itself and the power of God is that he understands that the primary goal, as he is sent to earth, and it paves the way for bliss.

Law of Karma:

The law of karma is based on the principle of cause and effect relationship. It says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That kind of works out an individual determines his fate. Karma performed only in human life. It is karma that will ultimately decide that a person after his death, will head his way to heaven or hell. To learn more about Karma the law of cause and effect, read on.

If you perform a good karma, you will achieve Moksha and get free from this vicious cycle of rebirth. All living creatures, except for people burn their bad karma and slowly and steadily, to live the life of a human. But we humans are wasting our lives by making bad karma. The inhabitants of the heavenly planets is also making full use of their good karma. Good souls attain Bliss (Nirvana) from the cycle of rebirth and depart for heaven. 
All living creatures are subject to the law of Karma. Law of Karma is based on the philosophy of "as you sow, so shall you reap". It says that if you give joy to others, they will also try to bring a smile when you feel happy. This also applies in the reverse situation. If you're doing wrong to others, they will also indulge in illegal activities. Life is like a mirror, it reflects what you do. So treat it with a smile and a smile will come back to you.

Karma in Hindu Religion:

Numerous mentions were made about the concept of Karma in the Indian epic Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata, when Arjun they are told that his own family is a part of the enemy's hand, and he must fight a battle with his own people, he thought of withdrawing from the fight. At the time of Lord Krishna made him realize that he must fulfill his Karma. Thus, the theory of Karma will be important in the Hindu religion. To learn more about Karma in Hinduism, read on.

There have been many philosophies, which has focused on the performance of karma, which Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta philosophy has a strong belief in Karma and stresses on the fact that it is Karma that govern their lives, and not the destiny. Karma determines one's destiny. A man creates his own destiny through the execution of deeds. Whatever you give to life, it will return it back to you. If you give happiness, you will be blessed with happiness. If you shoot yourself in fraudulent activities and misdeeds, you will also be deceived by a person or another.

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