Monday, February 01, 2010

Retired Athletes lose more than game

Retired Athletes lose more than game

On retirement from the sport an athlete can set new goals, establish a new career, but they can still miss an important key. This key can be the difference between a successful transition or a loss of purpose and drive. I am talking about the loss of meaning, an important human needs which are discussed here.

All people have some basic needs. According to Abraham Maslow (1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation) is a hierarchy of needs, in order of priority as follows:

1. Physiological (breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion)
2. Security (security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health, property)
3. Love / Belonging (friendship, family, sex)
4. Self-Esteem (self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect and other)
5. Self-Actualization (morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts)

With this hierarchy, so long as the lower needs are met, the human endeavor to achieve the next level, and the next. Level 2 to 5 are psychological needs, and when they are not met, could lead to anxiety and distress.

Anthony Robbins six human needs teacher - 4 basic needs are for Certainty, uncertainty, significance and Love / Connection 2 plus spiritual needs for growth and contribution.
Both debates about human needs point to the need for significance, importance and self-esteem. Everyone has their own way to meet this need, and it can be positively or negatively. It can be done through acquisition or perhaps through fame, for example, a person can be a bully to feel great.

Satisfaction with this need for recognition is what can be lost when an athlete retires. I remember talking to a gymnast for many years ago to retire after Sydney 2000th She regretted the lack of reward, and that she "no longer feel important."

Together with the loss of significance, the athlete also loses contact with their athletic family, and there is often a loss of security - what now? All these factors may play a role in the confusion, an athletic feel to finish their game career.

This may explain why some athletes find themelves in trouble and on the wrong side of the law after sports. Some athletes find themselves in the media for the wrong reasons, to get in fights or desperate publicity stunts.

Recognize that this loss of significance can occur at retirement, can help athletes to prepare for new ways to meet the demand. It may not be on the same level, for example, being in the spotlight, but can be replaced by something even more satisfactory, including making a difference to the lives of others.

Awareness is the key factor here, and being prepared will include setting new targets to provide a persistent feeling of fulfillment and build confidence.

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