Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Virginia to keep it or lose it

Although there are a lot of information out there about people who lose their virginity very young or in a relationship or in situations which may or may not be correct, there is a lot of information out there for those who have chosen to keep their virginity into adulthood . Many people, both men and women who make an effort to keep their virginity through their teenage years, and even well into their 20s. At this point a lot of people who wonder if they really want to wait until they get married. After waiting so long, many people are eager to begin to experience sexual things to all their friends have been talking about for years.

If you are still virgin and you're wondering if you should keep it or lose it, you're really a place in your life where you're the only one who can answer the question. Unfortunately nobody can tell you whether now is the time, or if it will be time in three weeks, three months or three years. You really have to look inside yourself and decide if this is the time, and if this is the person.

If you've been in a committed relationship for some time you may be more eager than ever to lose his virginity. You may have some pressure from your love interest who wants to experience sex with you, and you may not know which way to go. On the one hand, you've waited this long, so why should not you wait until you get married? On the other hand, have you been in a committed relationship with this person, you are sure it will last, so why not?

You really need to look at the reasons why you held out so long. Will you keep your virginity this long because you have promised that you would wait until you got married? Or were you just waiting for the right person to come along? If the plan was always to wait till I got married, you should wait because you may be dissatisfied with yourself if you lose your virginity and you do not end up getting married. If you just waited for the right person to come and you really feel as if it is someone you will not regret losing your virginity to, go for it!

Lose your virginity is a big step, and it is one that is bound up with a lot of different emotions. You may find that one moment you are ready, and the next moment you're not. You should definitely wait until you are sure it is something you want to do, do not allow pressure to make the decision for you.

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