Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Ways to keep your marriage romantic

ways to keep your marriage romantic

They say "love begins in the kitchen" may seem strange that a single person or for newlyweds, but it makes sense to people who have been married for a while. At the beginning of a marriage can mean romance, flowers, candlelit dinners and lots of love to do when the mood strikes. But as time passes, the romance of a different look. It often seems to help with dinner instead of going to dinner, plant flowers side by side in your backyard instead of bringing a dozen long-stemmed red roses in the home, or to facilitate your spouse's load a bit, so he has energy to have sex after a long day instead of stopping what you are doing to have sex whenever you want.

To keep romance in a marriage has to do with spending time together, which means that you communicate often and show your appreciation for your husband or wife. When these things happen, the feelings you had at the beginning of your relationship grow and romance is kept alive.

Here are 25 suggestions to keep the romance going in your marriage. Some take a little time, some are free, some take a little money and a lot of time, but you should be able to find some suggestions here that work for you.

1. Make a snack and take it to your spouse while he was working on something around the house. Whether it's sitting at the desk paying bills or fixing something in the basement, a small snack will show your spouse you appreciate the work he does.

2. Take care of your spouse when she is sick. Tuck her in bed and ask if you can get her something. Keep the kids away so she can rest. Bring her something to read or a favorite movie to watch.

3. Make a meal together from fresh ingredients. Put on some music you both want and share a bottle of wine or a few beers while preparing your dinner. If you have children, do it after they are in bed, if possible.

4. Instant messaging, or SMS your spouse with a single stupid message like "I love you"

5. Buy your spouse a CD that is missing in his collection. If he has a favorite artist, but is missing one or two titles, buy one for no reason at all is a good way to let him know that you love him and you know what his interests.

6. Leave a Unexpectedly, no particular reason to short somewhere she will find it when you're not around.

7. Use one of your spouse's ordinary chores - taking out the trash, clean up after dinner, changing sheets on the bed. All unsecured creditors will do. When your spouse asks why you did it, saying "because I love you."

8. If you have a normal evening, where you go and rent a movie, your spouse to choose food and movies and have agreed to accept whatever choice is made.

9. Go to a worship service together and talk about it afterwards.

10. Do not stop dating - go out at least once a month on a certain date.

11. Read a book aloud to each other. It need not be all at once. Make it a point to go to bed every half hour earlier than normal and read a few chapters of the night, until it is finished. It is far more romantic than watching TV in bed.

12. Develop an interest in what your spouse is interested in. Learn more about and suggests that you do it together.

13. Take a walk, hold hands and talk.

14. If you have children, make it a place to spend a weekend away from them for years. If you do not have anyone who will watch your children while you're away, try to become friends with another couple who have children close in age to your children. When you get to know them and feel comfortable with them, propose a kid exchange. You want to take their children for a weekend, and they can take your kids for a weekend. If you can not afford to go away, stay home, but it seems like you're away. Use the time to go out and do things instead of Shelf things around the house.

15. Have a movie marathon together. Spend the day in real comfy clothes, lounge on the couch and watch a trio of films with a single actor or theme. Make sure you have plenty of your spouse's favorite snacks on hand. 

16. Put the kids to bed one night for him after his trip. And then take your ordinary trip the following evening.

17. Write a poem to her. It need not be Shakespeare. She will love it anyway.

18. Go on a picnic.

19. Take a dance class together. It would be a great idea if you know you have a wedding to attend together. Would not it be great to be able to really dance the night away.

20. Bring him his coffee every morning without him asking you to do it.

21. Run her bubble bath, light candles in the bathroom, play some relaxing music to her and take the children out of earshot while she bathes.

22. Call your spouse in the middle of the afternoon and tell her that she does not have to cook tonight. You will bring home take out just to give her a break.

23. At least once a year to go to a very fancy restaurant in your best clothes.

24. Give genuine praise your spouse in front of other people.

25. Always give your spouse a kiss before you leave the house and say I love you every day!

Chances are you've found an idea or two on the list, you can do right now. Go do them. So the plan is to make a few of these ideas into practice in the next few weeks. Take time to do some thoughtful, caring things for your husband or your wife will not only help to keep romance alive in your marriage, it will help it to flourish.

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