Wednesday, February 03, 2010

What Men Are Really Attracted To

But what really attracted to

Women often get stuck thinking that all men want a woman who is thin, has a certain color hair, who has breast implants, wearing a certain type of clothing, or flying a particular type of car. It can be easy to start thinking about these things, but one fact is that most men are fairly easy to please. Women walk around thinking they know what a man wants and they try to meet all these standards they set for themselves, never knowing that the majority of men are not really interested in any of these things.

Eyes. Most men are attracted to a woman's eyes first and foremost. This is not to say when he sees your beautiful eyes, his eyes did not go down and around the rest of the body, but when asked, most men will tell you that the first thing they notice about a woman are her eyes. That is when she is beautiful or engaging eyes, he will begin to notice other aspects of her body.

Nice skin. Oddly enough, all the time, that women tend to spend their skin pays. Men generally like women who are smooth, healthy-looking skin. This should not be read that they like women wearing a ton of makeup to make it appear as if they have a good skin, they instead as a women who has that healthy glow to the skin. Men are generally not as healthy skin as women, and perhaps that is why they find it attractive.

A lovely fragrance. A man likes a woman who smells good, but remember that for men there is too much of a good thing. If you use a perfume, be sure to keep it very tame, just a spray or two. Men like a woman who smells good, but not so well that they can not get near her. Lotion or just a bit of perfume to go far to get his attention. Remember to keep things light and interesting, and he will certainly take notice.

A man likes a woman who knows how to laugh. There's nothing more enjoyable than seeing a person who lights up inside and out, and nobody knows it better than men. Do not be so reserved when in the company of men that you are afraid to laugh because laughing and smiling is perceived as attractive, just not one of those women who laugh at everything he says when it comes out as false and it is very attractive.

Natural beauty. While many women feel they must have operations and use a plethora of beauty products to be beautiful, is not the case, at least not according to most men. Men like it when you hold it naturally, so you do not feel that you have to follow the examples that you see on TV. Although he may be of interest to women on the big screen, which has boosted their natural assets, in real life, he wants a woman au natural!

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