Wednesday, February 03, 2010


What to do with an infidelity PARTNER

First and foremost, how people see adultery in society, let us ask you a question. If you were in business with a partner, and you discovered your partner was stealing money from the company, would you ever trust him / her again? That is what adultery is like ... to be in business with an embezzler.

In everything that exists between two people they should be trusted without so something can not lead to anything profitable, whatever it is. But let's face partnership with marriage, the famous once said thief always a thief, remains the same in this topic when a cheat always a cheat, marriage, relationship is a contract between two people, and as such a party does not is allowed to go as opposed to without approval from the others. In a normal relationship that exists between two persons and one person is going to undercut the other, it will hurt and heart break is not so much, in fact the victim of being cheated on, would see it as an open mind away for him / her to realize the kind of person they are dating or involved with. But in case of marriage, the consequences are always of greater damage because it can lead to a lot of things, separations, sore, and plenty of family crises. And it is always because the partners does not realize that adultery attack the essence of their wishes and would deprive them of what is rightfully theirs. You can not chance an adultery partner, there is one thing, you should always know, because when they know that you know, it's like a blind pleated material, which has just been taken out of their eyes and they can see their sins, if you've ever been caught doing something wrong, caught red-handed, I believe that sudden feeling of quilt is what I am talking about, you can do and say anything to get you out of this situation, but it means not if it faces the same situation, you won 't do it again, only next time the person will be more cautious, marriage is a contract and an obligation as such there will always be challenges and temptations, so they have said in better and worse is always used.

A partner who does not respect the feeling that the others do not deserve such a person Forbidden sex is an addiction that can and usually do not have disastrous consequences for the individual and a family. When your partner has cheated on you, he / she will always cheat on you it is one thing you should know that you either terminate the relationship if you feel you can not continue to bear or injured, because you certainly will be wounded over and over again, but if you feel you can sustain the pain, faith always pays better, but the consequences of adultery are always more than the cause, you have to realize that whatever it is that made him / her start thinking about cheating on you will always be there, and when he / she begins to feel the joy that freedom in a marriage, such marriage is just on the way to disaster.

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