Wednesday, February 03, 2010

What Turns a Woman On

What Makes a woman

A Sense of Humor. A woman likes a man who can kick back, laugh, and make her laugh. A woman can get all the hot and bothered when she is with a man who makes her feel good, and nothing makes you feel better than laughter. It has been shown in some studies that laughter is a true aphrodisiac, which is why guys with a great sense of humor always seems to get girl.

The ability to be honest. The man who is confident enough about who he is and what he wants from the world and from women is the one that most women are attracted to. Almost every woman who has been at least one man who wants him to lie about small things to keep her happy. The fact is that most women would rather have a man who is honest about things than a man who is willing to lie to keep her happy.

A man who makes an effort to look good. You do not look like a film star to beat a woman, but you look like you put some effort into looking good for her. If you look sloppy and you do not make a big effort to look good, she will not find you nearly as warm. Carelessness or lack of caring about your appearance isn'ta turn on for most women. Just take a little time and make sure you are well groomed and well dressed, and you will beat her without saying a word.

Sensitivity. While a woman wants a man to be strong and masculine, she also wants him to have a very sensitive side. If she is upset or confused about something she wants him to be able to understand or at least be able to be empathetic to the way that she is feeling. It is a trip to see a man who can cry when something happens Gush sad when he sees one puppy or a baby, or just show a vulnerable side of his personality from time to time. 
Respect. While women are often attracted to the Bad Boy type, they also want a man who can be respectful to her. You do not have to be old fashioned, or too nice, but a woman likes a man who will walk them to their car when it is dark, which would treat her as a woman and will make her feel loved. A man who is respectful is a giant tooth.

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