Wednesday, February 03, 2010

What Women Really Like

Both men and women find it difficult to determine what the opposite sex is really attracted to. The fact is that most of us do dating and our attempts to be attractive too complicated. Both men and women actually like to have some very simple things in those they date. Once you know what women really want, you will find that it suddenly becomes much easier to attract the kind of woman you want to date.

1. Make her laugh. Women as men with a sense of humor. A lot of men spend time worrying about their hair, their weight, and even their clothes, but when asked a lot of women mention that they are attracted to a man who can get them to laugh over everything else. It is good news because many men out back with their sense of humor unnecessarily. She wants you to be funny, but then again, she does not want you to be for fun.

2. Be honest with her. Women as a man who is secure enough with himself to be honest with her. Sometimes being honest hurts and is unpleasant, but a woman would rather that you be brutally honest with her than lie to her or try to deceive her in any way, shape. Make sure you are honest.

3. Women as a man who is proud of its appearance. This does not mean that you have to be the most beautiful man in the world to get her attention, what it means that you must be well groomed and dressed neatly. You do not pay too much for haircuts or clothes, you just need to make a concerted effort to pull together when you roll out of bed every morning.

4. Women as a man with a soft hand. She does not want you to cry over spilled milk, but a woman likes a man who can cry at a sad movie, or give her meaningful short and mean it. Sensitivity is something women aspire to their husbands, so the pressure on your sensitive side, if you really want to get the woman of your dreams.

5. Respect her. A woman does not want to feel like she is not respected by a man that she spends time with. This does not mean that you can not disagree with her or not like something, she does, you just need to be respectful when talking to her about anything. Let her know that you respect her not only as a person but as a woman, as this will give you much in your dating life.

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