Wednesday, February 03, 2010

When You Get the Girl Pregnant

When you get Girl Pregnant

If you have been dating someone for a while or just been having casual sex with someone you know that you can get them pregnant, if you have sex with them. Even if you use protection, there is a chance that she could get pregnant, it has happened countless times. Will you find yourself in a position where you've been told you got the girl pregnant when you least expected it? What are you doing now?

The first thing you need to do is take a deep breath. Your first reaction may be to freak out a little bit, and although it is a serious situation that you need to realize that this was a risk that you take every time you had sex, protection or no protection. So before you wonder how this happened, realize that you had a part of it.

The next thing you do is talk to the girl you impregnated. See how she feels, what her plans are and how much she wants you involved in these plans. You may be surprised at the way the girl approaches her pregnancy. Some girls will not look like they want children, they decide the same thing that they want to keep the child, while other girls who seemed as if they have children, decide they do not want to go through with pregnancy.

When you talk to the girl you can decide how you feel about what she will do. You may have strong feelings about what should be done, but the bottom line is that it is her body and ultimately, she has the right to make the choice. Your job is to try to be supportive as possible and try to get accustomed to the situation.

The worst thing you can do is just walk away or suddenly begins to treat her differently. If she was good enough to have sex with, and the risk of pregnancy or STD's with than she should be good enough to support in this stressful time. You may decide that she does not want to be your girlfriend or your wife, but you can still be supportive of her, as you were a part of the process that got her pregnant, remember?

The bottom line is that you must figure out how she feels, and then you have to decide how you feel about what she will do and go from there. You may not make you one of those guys who just go away when it gets tough, stand up to your obligations and try to keep your relationship as civil as possible, even if the pregnancy came as a big surprise. You will sleep better at night if you follow and be a gentleman all over.

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