Wednesday, February 03, 2010

WHY Single Ladies find it difficult to marry these days

When a woman is young and beautiful, she is said to be the election machinery, but when she gets older the right to those choices are gone, it is obvious that most women today are looking for successful men and couples who happen to fine but it must be this way? Just as we were all born in the same world, Lucky and some unfortunate, it is wild. If all things in life was to come without a fight, so we will not learn to appreciate the value of that thing, whatever their nature. Many ladies are always carried away with tanks on the lookout for the best, than to think of looking for that to bring out the best in him, that is when a woman really be called a man her own because she was there with him and for him, many of these characters are found more in Africa, and many more countries around the world.

Everything in life has stages and time, each woman is proud when she is young and her beauty is priceless, in her younger days she was out for fun and just to be selective, as the years grow on and on, and she can not honestly saying to herself, I have a husband who will or is likely to marry me, she began to get frustrated with being single, at this point is she less selective but more vigilant, that is when regret will start in, she'll sit and think for themselves and remember all the men she's turning into the past, some of which really meant well, but because of their relationship, they were rejected, ladies must be careful how they reject men, so they will not be denied that the clock is always .... you know pride of a woman is to hear the cry of her child and to stand up in the morning to realize that she is married to a man she can boldly say it is my husband, it is hard work and perseverance to see this come true, it should not matter if the man has money or not, or if the man looks hash or ugly. The truth is that you can not really know what to matter until you get to know the person, the men may have against a lion, but the heart of an angel, if you get to know the person, although in two weeks of interviews and you still feel that you will not be done with him, so you can search further, what do you want a lady to do if you were meeting a man who is not all you need clean physically, but 100% of who you would love to spend rest of life with what will matter most to you, it will be the face or heart, there will be a time in your life as a lady when you want no other choice than to want to marry just any man who comes your way, even the one you were once in doubt because he had half of what you wanted.

A simple and aging woman is a desperate woman and every man is aware that ladies who are desperate and are always ready to take advantage of these ladies, that is when ladies would be willing to do just anything to satisfy the man, just trying to keep him coming to them, just hope he would one day want to settle with them, even though the man can treat them badly, they would not mind, but it would not have been that way which is a reward for every hard work in whatever circumstance it is used, ladies need to understand that marriage is a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman and a man lived up to the lady he intends to marry, worthy of a place in his life forever, which just does not come easily.

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