Wednesday, February 03, 2010

When Your Ex is moving

Break up can be difficult, especially when you were not the one who wanted the relationship to an end. It can be even harder to deal with the reality of division, if you still have hope that you will get back together and your own characters and starts dating other people. Nobody is immune to the pain caused by having an ex move on when you still have a broken heart, even Jennifer Aniston has had a difficult time, and she seems to have it all!

The best thing you can do when your ex moves on is to let them go in peace. Many people think that could call up their past and tell them how much they miss them will magically get their ex to reconsider and dump the new love interest. It will just make you look desperate. If your ex wants to make their way back to you, it is better that they do in their own time.

Do not get in touch with their new love interest. Again, this will only make you look desperate, and you will not do you any favors. Instead of simply avoiding the two of them as much as you can, and if you're in their presence does not engage them. If they engage you be polite and friendly, but do not be spiteful. If you want your ex back you will not be a success if you come across as jealous, crazy ex.

Do your best to move on, too. This is easier said and done, but when you stop to put all your focus on your own and put the energy into yourself and your future, you may find that it does not hurt quite as much as it did. You may find that you appreciate your own, and that you have things that you really look forward to doing now that you're by yourself.

Call your support system. If you really have a hard time with your ex goes, you should call your closest friends and family. Ask them for their help in getting you through this difficult time. Sometimes just to have friends near you when you've hurt enough to get you through tough times. Your friends will get you up from the sofa and feel good again, so you can start moving forward instead of staying locked in the past.

Let go. If your ex moves on, chances are that there is no reason to hold onto hope that you will get back together. Instead focus on building a future without them, and stop giving them your attention. If you begin to imagine life without them becoming suddenly much more livable than if you constantly imagining what it might have been.

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