Friday, May 14, 2010

Take advantage of "Slow" eBay Auctions.

A couple of auctions get hundreds of offers, but some go much slower, get only a small fraction of the bid, worse, none at all for days. Auctions are generally much slower during the summer months than they are in winter - and sales on eBay are slowing each year, as more vendors sign up than compared to buyers in hopes of getting rich as quick as possible. It's actually the same with the new SEO services in hopes of attracting more customers by emphasizing more on the website design rather than thinking of ways to get more web traffic. A bit stupid if you ask me. 

Here are some ways you can benefit from a slower auctions to get a good price. 

Wait for the offer. 

Because if you bid on an item, then everyone will think you're interested - and it can make them interested too. Leave the post alone, so long as you can carry, will make it look less popular, and keep the price down, so you can get in the last minute and get a bargain .. 

Make an offer. 

If the seller is selling a product, using the "Buy it now 'and it still has not sold when the auction is about to end, to use eBay's' Best Offer' service makes them an offer on it .. Chances are they have listed the item two or three times before, and they will be so annoyed at the prospect of a re-listing it yet again that they will accept your offer just to get rid of the stuff .. 

Conspire with other buyers. 

You may not have thought about this, but if there are two auctions for the same subject, and only you and a second buyer offers, why not get together and produce a "you take this and we will take that one 'deal? This stops you from raising the price on both auctions just to get one of each. If you have enough friends, you can even work together on auctions long-term taking turns to bid. 

Be snobbish.

Send the seller emails asking questions about the condition of the item and makes it very clear that you are a discerning buyer and will only accept things of the highest quality... This will make them feel better about selling you their item for less. 

Do not feel guilty. 

There are really too many sellers on eBay now to the point where you can get common items at very low prices. Long term it will probably force those sellers out of business, but it is the way a market works - it's supply and demand. 

Buy in bulk. 

Vendors will have the same stock for long, when the auctions are low. If you offer to take ten things out of their hands at once, so you can almost name your price - the chances is that they will fall over themselves to give you a good deal. If you come back and buy another ten items then they will love you even more... 

Remember that the longer you spend on eBay, so the more experienced, you become - and the greater the chances are that you'll stumble over an auction for something very strange and completely unexpected. Watch out next email. You will hear all about the strangest eBay items ever sold.

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