Friday, March 26, 2010

Learning About Vineyards

Vineyards are located in many parts of the world and is central to the wine industry. A vineyard is a place for growing grapes used for wine, raisins or table grapes. Wineries have a great historical background, dating back to biblical times. In the Middle Ages, was the responsibility of monks and the church to maintain vineyards. To this day, many fine wines in the monasteries. 

Vineyards take a lot of resources to maintain, which is why the early church often leaves a lot of the vineyards in earlier days. Vineyards in different parts of the world are planted with different types of grapes, and for a variance in the amount of resources needed to maintain a vineyard today. Indeed, some vineyards little attention in order to grow a suitable crop of grapes. 

There are many factors, whereas the vineyard and its ability to grow the perfect grape. Good grape growing vineyards will have the right "terror". Terror refers to a combination of factors affecting the soil, which soil and underlying terrain. Any underlying rock, slope or elevation and orientation to the sun, is also part of the terror of a vineyard. A vineyard is acutely aware of the terror of their vineyards because it can mean the difference between a good and bad harvests grapes in a given season. 

There is, in the northern hemisphere, a general ideal of how a winery must setup his vineyard. A common saying is that "the worse the soil, the better the wine." This motto applies rigidly to the wine industry, which resulted in the tendency of vineyards set on the side of a hill without rich soil, but with plenty of sunlight. 

There are many variables, vineyard growers are using to improve their crops. Many follow the advice from noted wine critic Robert M. Parker Jr., who proposed the concept of "green harvest". This refers to the removal of entire clusters of grapes during the growing season to improve the quality and quantity of the total yield. Many vineyards around the world follow this principle. 

Vineyard is certainly the key to the wine industry. It is interesting vineyards function today basically the same as they have throughout history. This comforting constant is a result of the fact that many of the fundamental principles governing the cultivation of grapes are the same as they were hundreds of years ago. Some of the information may have changed because of technology, but the main elements of the vineyards are still the same as they always were.

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