Thursday, January 28, 2010

Acupuncture Facelift

One of the treatments increasing popularity recently has acupuncture facelift. It has the promise to bring back youth to your face without pain and risks of traditional plastic surgery facelift.


What is an acupuncture facelift?

It is the use of traditional Chinese medicine technique, acupuncture, at first glance, turning back the clock or at least your face to look better. It is said that many Hollywood stars get this beauty treatment, and among them Madonna.

Even among acupuncturists are a wide range of opinions about what acupuncture can do for your face and the effectiveness of acupuncture facelift. The duration of treatment and the general approach is also different.

The face has many muscles. Acupuncture needles, the acupuncturist stimulates the muscles and relaxes them. The result is an increased production of collagen and more tone in the face. 

In acupuncture, the overriding belief that the blockage of Chi energy in the body can cause diseases or imbalances. The use of acupuncture needles can help the body of blockages and allow the chi energy flow freely back to good health.

While many general doctors question the technique, recent studies have shown that acupuncture can help relive arthritis pain and arthritis in general. There are not enough studies showing that acupuncture works or not either.

What can acupuncture facelift do for you?

Acupuncture facelift is:

Increase collagen and elasticity in skin

Loosen the skin on your face

Improving muscle tone

Moisturizing Skin

Lymph and edema, in other words, it helps to remove toxins.

The previous description can help you improve:

Fine lines and wrinkles, including crow's feet, laugh lines, neck lines and frown and stress

Bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids

Wallen, weak and poor skin tone

How does acupuncture facelift work?

There is no standard treatment. It is still under development, so that any acupuncturist has his own style. Usually follows a regular acupuncture treatment standards. The acupuncturist assesses your overall health, eat, sleep and fitness habits and assess stress levels. So acupuncturist develops a specific treatment for each person. 

The key to treatment is the use of acupuncture needles in his face. Some acupuncturists also recommend the intake of Chinese herbs.


Results of the patient needs to have a range of treatments. Again, the duration of treatment varies depending on the acupuncturist and the patient's condition. It can vary from 6 to 25 treatments. The more wrinkles, more treatments. Some patients have reported that they saw results after the first treatment. 

The treatments are needed every week in the beginning, and after a few months, every other week. The cost varies from place to place. Florida is approximately $ 70 per treatment in Boston, and it costs $ 100 and for treatment.

The results for the past year, and treatment can be repeated if you wish. They are, according to many patients, very relaxing.

Is acupuncture facelift painful?

There is a little discomfort when the needles are pushed into the skin, but it does not hurt or that any of the time. It can cause sores, bruises and irritation. You can return to your normal life to go right after the treatment.

Should I try acupuncture facelift?

Realistically, acupuncture cut extra skin changes, or the shape of the nose, but it might help to improve muscle tone and production of collagen in the skin to grow. Collagen is what gives skin its glow, and youthful and healthy appearance.

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