Frequently Asked Questions about Chikungunya
1. What is the Chikungunya?
Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted through mosquito bites. It is usually seen in tropical areas.
2. Who can become infected with Chikungunya?
Anyone can become infected with Chikungunya virus. The virus infection can be severe in newborns and new with old people.
3. What are the symptoms of Chikungunya?
Main symptoms are high fever and joint pain. Joint pain may continue even long after cure of the disease.
4. After infection, where I will soon see the symptoms?
Chikungunya symptoms are seen after 1 to 12 days of infection. In rare cases there are no visible symptoms. The symptoms worsen with old people.
5. Is there any treatment for Chikungunya?
There is no vaccine or medicine for Chikungunya. Medicine has made in reducing symptoms and pain.
6. How can I prevent Chikungunya infection?
Chikungunya is transmitted by mosquitoes. Take various steps to minimize mosquito bites is the only effective prevention technique.
7. Can I get Chikungunya from another person?
No direct human to human transmission is not possible. The disease is transferred from one person to another only through mosquito bites.
8. Is Chikungunya fatal?
No human immune system is capable of recovery from this disease in almost all cases. But it may take a while for symptoms to disappear, especially joint pain. But the outbreak in Reunion is suspected to have caused 200 deaths. The risk is higher for older people.
9. What are the consequences of Chikungunya infection in pregnancy?
Pregnant women can get Chikungunya infection at any stage of pregnancy. The chances of passing the infection to the fetus is very small. If the pregnant woman is infected at the time of delivery, the virus can be transmitted to the newborn child. If a newborn is infected risk is significantly higher. So it is important to ensure that in Chikungunya areas pregnant women are protected against mosquito bites.
10. Is it ok to breastfeed if the mother is infected with Chikungunya?
Currently there is no evidence that the Chikungunya virus is transmitted through breast milk. Again, the best defense for the child is to use mosquito nets and repellents to reduce the risk of mosquito bites.
Latest news and updates on Chikungunya (updated regularly)
Chikungunya infection on rise in Singapore - November 7, 2008
Several cases of Chikungunya fever have been reported from Singapore . So far over 100 cases have been reported in Singpore since August 2008. The total reported cases in 2008 is around the 300 mark.
Chikungunya hits Hooghly in Calcutta, India - October 26, 2008
Chikungunya outbreaks were reported in Hooghly district in India . About a doze people were tested positive for the disease. It is the first time Chikungunya have been reported from Hooghly . Medical teams were sent to villages to handle the outbreak.
Chikungunya confirmed in Bangalore, India - June 25, 2008
Chikungunya outbreak in Bangalore is confirmed and there are about 100 patients being treated for the disease. More and more cases are reported and most patients complain of high fever and joint pain. Bangalore is India 's IT hub, and a lot of people from across the country work there. So illness can quickly spread to other areas of the country.
Making money from Chikungunya - Dabur introduces Odomos spray - June 20, 2008
Dabur India has introduced a new mosquito repellent in spray form. This is a personal use product designed for spraying onto the skin. This mask body odor, which is used by mosquitoes to locate the victim. The 100ml pack is priced at around Rs. 55 ($ 1.5). It is a good solution if you need trekking or expedition. This is also useful if you Chikungunya have been reported in your area. What makes you most effective is that the disease is caused by mosquito bites outside in the daytime.
Homeo treatment for Chikungunya attempted in Karnataka - June 16, 2008
According to Muller Homeopathic Medical College , who did Homeo chikungunya treatment camps in Puttur, Karnataka, patients have responded well on Homeo medicines. The duration of illness was also reduced. The hospital also argues that homeopathic preventive medicine was very effective and provides about 90-95 percent protection. Approximately 5,000 patients received curative medicine, and they were able to go to work in 2-3 days.
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