Thursday, January 28, 2010

Indicure offers cheap gynecomastia surgery

Gynaecomastia is a medical word from the Greek word for "woman-like breasts," occurs in as many as 40% of men. This is a relatively common condition in teens and where the cause is not always known, but the incidence increases with certain drugs (digitalis, anabolic steroids, Tagamet, and spironolactone), use of marijuana or alcohol, or perhaps simply due to obesity. Indicure now offers a solution to this problem, which can crush a man's self-confidence and self esteem.

Operation is straightforward, it provides a quick solution to the discomfort, physical and social, that the patient suffers.

The two basic surgical techniques-1. Liposuction-If your gynecomastia is primarily caused by fatty tissue, liposuction is usually the procedure of choice. Liposuction surgery is a procedure used to actually remove unwanted localized deposits of fat cells from your body. A straw-like needle is inserted through a small incision is placed in a conspicuous location on the skin. Using a vacuum system attached to the cannula, excess fat cells are sucked out. The result is a resculpting of bulging breasts into more attractive contours. 2. Traditional Surgical Excision-If your gynecomastia is the result of a glandular disorder, liposuction alone is unlikely to be sufficient. Traditional surgical excision may be a better solution.

The removal can be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction. Typically, incisions are placed at the edge of the areola (colored area of the nipple) or in the arms field. The surgeon will work through these incisions to remove the excess glandular tissue, fat and skin from the breast. If your reduction requires the removal of significant quantities of tissue, larger incisions may be required. 

If your gynecomastia is extreme, and large quantities of fat and / or glandular tissue must be removed, excess skin may also have to be cut out.

Surgical correction of Gynecomastia has excellent results with Indicure and men during this procedure is quite pleased with the outcome. The changes produced by this procedure are significant and permanent.

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