Friday, February 05, 2010

Best techniques to teach parrots Tricks

Most people want to teach their parrot how to do tricks. Parrots tricks is one of the most entertaining parts of sharing your life with one of these funny and intelligent birds.  

Training makes him more focused on you, better socialized, better acted and can even help correct behavioral problems! Since many of these problems arise out of boredom and lack of mental stimulation, learning parrot trick may be the answer to a healthier, happier parrot.

A good example is the loud cry that can both annoy you and stress you out. Parrots scream for attention. By teaching your parrot to talk, you will enjoy his sounds a lot more than you have enjoyed the screaming, it is much more pleasant to listen to.

You do not give a conventional lecture setting. If, when you leave your bird's cage, stop and repeat the words you are trying to teach him one or two times on a regular basis, he will learn to repeat, what you say.

When teaching your parrot to talk sure to speak slowly and clearly and keep the words short, just a syllable or two. When he repeats the words that you can give him a treat as a reward. It may take more than once, and his first few attempts may not be as clear sounding as later when he has mastered the word.

It is also wise to be careful what you say about your parrot. It can be embarrassing when he repeats a word or phrase about people that you had no idea he knew!

Another popular trick is to train your parrot to step up. This trick is easy to learn, and can also be quite useful when trying to catch him. You teach him to stand up at the object in front of him.

To do this you can start by pressing a finger against your parrot's chest just above his legs, while saying "strength". Do not bury the tip of your finger. Instead, gently press on the side of your finger.

A good technique for teaching parrot trick is to use food as a reward. To step up education you can deal with just out of reach to lead him on your finger. If you have one of the larger parrot species you can replace your forearm to your finger.

Remember to hold short courses. You do not want to repeat it so many times that you irritate your parrot, and get him to resent collections. Be sure to end on a good note, and when your parrot "get it", although it only took two or three samples, reward him and end the session.

It is also wise to train your bird in a quiet room with as few distractions as possible. You want to be sure that he is totally focused on you during training.

Another trick that is fun and fairly easy to learn is the "turnaround". With your parrot appear either on a stick or a finger, hold out a piece of bread. Say "turnaround". Next move the treat slowly around to a position behind your bird. He will follow with the eyes, and when he can not see it turns his whole body.

Once he does, reward him with a treatment. At first you can work half rotations (180 degrees) and then proceed to full rotations (360 degrees).

One last piece of advice is never work with your parrot when you feel stressed. Always keep a calm and patient attitude, and you should have no trouble to learn your parrot tricks.

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