Not everyone is familiar with bird cover and what they used to. Bird covers are actually used to cover the cage so your bird or parrot can sleep. But not many companies out there making these covers. But they are quite useful if you live somewhere with lots of light. By using cover to cover the cage, you can basically tell your parrot or bird when the night is. Birds are actually very photo-sensitive, so if there is too much light in the room so the bird will never get some sleep.
To keep this sleep cycle to run smoothly for the most part, you must place the cover over the bird cage at night and keep noise to a minimum. Most birds will fall asleep right away when there is total darkness. Although not recommended, some people would actually put their bird in a dark closet if they want them to be kept quiet for a while. Finally, they just fall asleep. Of course you would prefer to have this happen when the bird is at his most comfortable environment - the bird cage.
Most of the time you can find these birds cover online. Would you look for it to fit your cage perfectly. As many cages vary in size, it is not always the case that you will find the size you are looking for. If you are off by several inches, it is not likely to care. It is one of the problems when it comes to covers. You may not find the right size you need for your cage. Maybe because you bought it from a brand that had never cover, or you can purchase a decorative cage that is quite unique. So what do you do?
The solution to this problem is to make your own covers. You just need to find the particular material covers that can effectively block out light. A light blanket will not help because when sunlight penetrates to cover the bird would have trouble sleeping. You can always go to a clothing store or a tailor and ask if you can find some linen, which is very thick. You should put it up against the light and see if you can see some light through it. If you can, so that means it is not thick enough. If not, then you should be okay. You should also measure the amount of linen before you buy it. After all, you must have a large canvas to cover the whole thing.
To measure it, think about it this way. Suppose you have a 24 inch by 17 inch cage that is 60 cm high, you should get a linen size by adding the width and length in this way: 24 inches long plus 60 inches tall, multiplied by two, so that would make it is 144 inches in length, then 17 inches long plus 60 inches tall, multiplied by two, so would get you 137 inches in width. Give us a couple more inches on both sides. When you get a sheet of this size, you can just put it over the cage and maybe tie in the bottom when you put your bird in. And then you have your homemade bird cover!
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