Monday, February 08, 2010

Choosing The Right Parrot For You

Their love for exotic birds may encourage you to have parrots as pets, but remember that it is not a child's play and requires a great commitment and dedication.

With more than 300 species of parrots available, you can have trudged to the large variety of breeds, their color, pattern characteristics and their price tags.

Some parrot species are very popular can be tamed to be your household pets are birds Macaw, African Gray, Cockatoo Birds and Bird Amazon.

Certain factors must be considered before you actually make the purchase.

Buy a parrot should never be an impulsive decision before blindly follow your friends or neighbors Has an extensive research on the Internet, read some books if you can and get all possible information about different types of parrots before continuing. Each and every species is different and each requires different attention levels. So bringing up a parrot would be your full-time duty.

Macaws have a vibrant and colorful plumage and are popular for their noisy and socially active nature.

The Blue and Gold macaws are large in size and will require larger cages to accommodate them, but also dedicated attention and care. Green Wing Macaws are relatively calmer version of the hyperactive their colleagues. The average lifespan macaw birds, ranging from 20-30 years with varying sizes 13-40 inches.

Some of the common variants of the Moluccan Cockatoos, Goffin, Umbrella, Sulfur Crested and Lesser Crested sulfur to name a few.

But the larger Cockatoo also make a lot of shrill noise and attention-seekers with a frequent tendency to escape from their cages. If you are looking for a sweet and friendly parrot then go to a Cockatiel, which is the smallest species of Cockatoo birds.

They are lovely creatures and can be a perfect companion for your children can get intimidated by the higher, more noisy and aggressive parrots. With sizes ranging from 12 to 25 inches, these birds are also extremely intelligent and a favorite among parrot lovers. Those who have asthma or other respiratory problems should avoid Cockatoos as they shed a lot of feathers dust.

Amazon is the most independent of the party and can on your own, if equipped with toys and feed it to stay connected to.

They come in different sizes varying between 10-18 inches from one species to another. Amazon birds are known for their excellent voice capabilities, outgoing nature and loyalty to their owners.

These birds are most green color with an extra touch of color depending on the species. Characteristics of different species may vary slightly from one another.

For example, Red-lored Amazons have a calm mind while male blue-fronted birds tend to show aggressive streaks in their character in mating season.

So it's wise to research on the different species of parrots before zeroing in on which PET to get for your household.

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