Monday, February 08, 2010

Decorative Bird Cage - some even look like the Taj Mahal

This type of decorative birdcage makes a really great addition to your home. They can provide just that individual touch that people will remember when they visited your home.

Some of them are specially designed for use at weddings, perhaps some to house a pair of doves in a short time ready to release at a wedding that some hold wedding cards, and some can use as center pieces on tables.

They are usually painted white or made of metal and to look antique. The white looks beautiful, you would think you were on some intricate architecture.

You will find this type of bird cage designed to resemble the eastern architecture, a kind of Taj Mahal looks like, and some look quite Venetian, some clearly see Victorian. Some have the look of a church or a conservatory, and I've even seen one that looked like a carousel, plus a targeting humor with a cat on top and a mouse inside Whatever you use these decorative bird cages for either wedding decorations, flowers or plants, you should never use them to house a bird.

It is not the space inside them and it is not even the lack of perches and feeding bowls, etc. It is the paint used on them.

If it was manufactured solely for ornamental purposes that would have been necessary to ensure that the paint was non-toxic and this is the case if a bird was placed in the cage, and the minced and flakes of paint off it could well do bird sick if ingested any of the particles.

There are so many beautiful cages made specifically to be at home for real birds, there is no need whatsoever to try to use one only for decorative purposes.

If you want to see a bird inside of it then get a model bird. That also could look as good as a decoration and think about what would you do to clean it out, would not have to keep filling food and water containers.

You could have the pleasure of seeing a bird without all the attendant responsibilities associated with a live bird.

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