Friday, February 05, 2010

A Guide to Canary Islands and Bird's history, characteristics and breeding methods

The Canary Islands are beautiful songbirds, which has become a common pet in the world today. For centuries people appreciated this bird for its singing ability. A wild bird in its infancy, they belonged to the territories of the Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira. Thus, the bird got its name as a canary. Because of his amazing singing abilities were the tame beginning in the 1600s. Breeding of these birds was a hobby for some and a profession for others. People are enchanted by their melodies, especially male birds, which are the ones who can wear a beautiful melody. Started first as a high society hobby, canaries eventually became popular with the common man also.

Canaries come in a variety of colors such as orange, brown, white, black, yellow and red. They can be bred to be in different colors and sometimes they even bred based on their sound patterns. Sometimes you find a canary who could sing the most beautiful complex melodies was something of a competition. Even today, there are many bird shows in the world where the canary owners allow their birds to compete in the singing competition. 
Breeding canaries tend to be a tough challenge because it is difficult to determine the sex of the Canary Islands, which is a crucial part to see if the bird can sing or not. Breeding conditions must be optimized as well. They are best grown with a pair per cage. Bird cages double breeder cages or aviary cages with nesting boxes and nesting materials tend to be an ideal environment for breeding. Initially, they need to get introduced to each other. When the man is seen trying to breed with the female, so it is ideal to put them together in a cage.

In breeding season, make sure the Canary Islands are getting the best nutrition they can get. Things like cuttlefish bones, broccoli, apple, hard boiled eggs and bread are good to help fill any nutritional deficiencies that the mother may have during this period. With good nutrition and the environment that the whole process go smoothly.

The mother typically is four to five eggs and spend four to five weeks to incubate the nest. Father's role is to bring food and feed the mother. This time again, good nutrition is ideal for the bird. Be sure to leave a lot of food in your double breeder cage or aviary cage. After the first round of breeding, the couple may go to a second round. The young birds must be separated by the partition double breeder cage, or even separate them into another cage so they can safely grow.

As they grow up, the tunes they perform all the intrigue all around. Always a tendency to carefully canaries because they are birds who like to be handled much. If they are on your hand so you can be sure that they trust you a lot. Ultimately, the Canary Islands are the best pet to have if you enjoy beautiful music and breeding them can also be a wonderful experience.

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