Monday, February 08, 2010

HUL Wins Gen Y back

A sharply-focused human resource strategy aimed at winning back Gen Y has ensured Hindustan Unilever is ‘Dream Company No. 1’ among
management graduates in India’s top 20 business schools, three years after students relegated the ‘fuddy-duddy’ consumer goods maker to the bottom of their most preferred employers’ list.

The ‘CEO factory’ topped preferred employer charts for nearly two decades, but was upstaged by i-banks and consulting firms in 2007, when it slipped to a shocking number 14 in the dream employer list.

Stung by the affront, the company responded by overhauling its HR framework to make itself more attractive to a younger generation and be seen as accessible and informal on campus.

This seems to have worked. Almost 64% of management graduates have considered applying to HUL, according to the latest Nielsen Campus Track–B School Survey this year.

“We have learnt how to communicate to students about how we have changed... They are now surprised to see a young management team. Earlier, they didn’t see us as a global player and assumed that one got global assignments only after reaching the CEO level,” Leena Nair, director, HR of HUL told ET.

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