Friday, February 05, 2010

9 ways to tell if your Parrot is not feeling well

When it comes to illness, it is always best to identify problems before they get out of control. This is usually difficult to do because the early symptoms are often subtle and may be due to something not related to disease. But in the case of parrots, having 9 characters, you can see, and if your parrot exhibits more than one of these symptoms, you may want to visit the vet.

Here is a list of subtle signals that you can see in your feathered game friend:

• he usually sticks to one leg, but recently he began sitting on two legs 
• His stools are wet and sloppy, rather than dry and well formed 
• his vent is swollen and / or color 
• His eyelids are swollen or puffed 
• His breathing has recently been heavy 
• He is tired a lot 
• he is not as lively during play, which he used to be 
• he did not eat as much as he usually 
• he is no longer offended and aggressive when I reach my hand into her cage and try to touch him

If you suspect your parrot is not feeling well go through this checklist the next day or so and see how many of these symptoms he shows. If he shows more than 2 or 3 of them we would recommend taking your bird to the vet immediately. Even if your vet is only a minor problem, it is better to prevent than cure. You may want to keep this list near your parrot cage, so it's handy when you need it.

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